Interestingly, neither of you addressed my point about Xeno's paragraph, much 
less refuted it. 

 Xeno is obviously not a TM-TB. When he describes his own experience, he's 
clearly not "rehashing" Maharishi's teaching. But the paragraph I quoted from 
his post (below) is an instance of "Knowledge is different in different states 
of consciousness," the corollary to "Knowledge is structured in consciousness."

---In, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :


---In, <punditster@...> wrote :

 On 5/17/2014 8:11 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 

 The first paragraph here is a good example of what Maharishi meant by 
"Knowledge is structured in consciousness."
 If a person is not conscious, there would for him be no knowledge of any kind, 
philosophical, religious, or scientific. This is not a matter of debate because 
everyone already knows it to be a fact of common experience.
 C: Agreed. This is the obvious part that makes the statement a circular 
definition like "awareness is being aware." 

R:  If consciousness was just an epiphenomenon of the brain and the nervous 
system it would not be a fundamental of nature - it would just be an effect, 
not a cause.

C: Yes and we have a lot of evidence for our awareness being affected by 
chemicals, so it is not primary to the brain's function.

R:  But, in the ancient Indian view, everything that exists - matter and 
material - arise from the field of consciousness. The brain is a product of 
consciousness, not vice-versa.

C: This is where Maharishi's teaching gets squirrelly. He basically claims that 
both are true depending on his audience he emphasizes one or the other. To 
impress scientists he sounds like a materialist, to sound more woo woo for his 
followers he emphasizes consciousness. In symposiums he would often get caught 
in the middle of his attempt to run both views with embarrassing results.  
 R:"This duality, which consists of subject and object, is a mere vibration of 
consciousness. Pure consciousness is ultimately objectless; hence, it is 
declared to be eternally without relations." -  Mandukya Karika IV.72

C: I don't find that conceptually meaningful although it is nice poetry. 
<anartaxius@...> mailto:anartaxius@... wrote :
 While alive, everybody has experience, consciousness. So 'something' is making 
the content of experience visible. There is always a 'witness'. The mind's 
interpretation of what this so-called witness is changes with practice 
(whichever one or ones are being used). The 24/7 kind of inner witnessing is 
one of those stages of change that many experience. My experience is that it 
basically evaporated, almost like it became a mist and soaked into the world of 
outer experience as if the outer world was a sponge and just vanished, that is, 
the so-called witness becomes identical with all other experience, with 
thought, objects, and action. So one cannot say 'I' am witnessing. At this 
point witnessing has no centre, no location, it is no longer like a receiver of 
experience, like an homunculus, like a little man in your head watching stuff. 
Descriptions and models of consciousness completely break down at this point, 
they are of no use because it is not possible to formulate a model that 
includes everything; the only thing that makes it intelligible in some way is 
the experience itself.


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