That's neat Jim.  It is always interesting when one can connect the dots.  And, 
from what you have described about growing up in the Asian part of the world, 
it sure seems to make sense. 

 Thanks for sharing that.

---In, <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :

 Yes, I agree - I have become aware, through all of this, of a past life, 
pointing in this direction - prior meditation experience, and life as a monk. 
As developed as my meditation was then, the whole 'monk' thing was premature, 
to say the least - From what little I recall, I knew my father then too, as a 
fellow monk. At some point I was exposed to Western culture, in Tokyo, 
probably, 1920's or so, and was completely intoxicated by its modern and 
sensual aspects - that was also when I met my current wife ( though we have 
both obviously reincarnated, since).  

 In any case, all of this has shown me, more than ever, that enlightenment is a 
life lived fully, both inside (Eastern) and out (Western).

---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 ---In, <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :

 Enlightenment is hardly a picnic, but personally, I couldn't think of another 
goal on the planet, as challenging, or as rewarding - what'cha gunna do??


 Thanks Jim, I think this really captures "it"

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