Not likely. Here in the US hernia surgery is a $20,000 affair, and that doesn't 
include the surgeon's fee or the anesthesiologists fee either. 

 From: salyavin808 <>
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2014 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis, on "witnessing"


I'm glad you're being philosophical about it Lawson old chap.

May I ask what "elective" surgery means? I'm hoping it means they'll do it next 
week, free of charge but I fear there might be a catch to that.

---In, <LEnglish5@...> wrote :

I dont' count myself as terribly enlightened, but after 40 years of TM, it 
turns out that I'm pretty flexible.

I just got out of the hospital, after going into the ER with a severe infection 
(bad enough that when a friend in Holland who is graduating as a dentist soon 
and requested to see my infection, started screaming over Skype "GO TO THE ER 
IMMEDIATELY!!!! over and over again until I stopped arguing and went to the ER).

After my checkin, I was put in a tiny, single-occupancy room with a TV (no 
schedule) and some pretty boring shows. No volume on the computer, so surfing 
the web didn't allow me to watch videos, either dramas/cartoons, or lectures.

My only activities were eating, dreaming, sleeping, meditating and reading The 
Structure of Scientific Resolutions by Thomas Kuhn, which I've owned for 35 
years but never read (3 pages left, by the way).

I wasn't bored in the slightest nor terribly worried, even when I thought I 
might be dying. I knew that my cats were being fed and soon found that I didn't 
have cancer, and that my hernia, while horribly bad, is still "elective 

Sleep, meditate, let them poke me with needles, eat, read, let them poke me 
with needles, read, eat, meditate, read, let them poke me with needles. Rinse 
and repeat for 3 days.

No biggie.

My entire infected region is numb due to nerve damage from the hernia + being 
over weight. I definitely need to exercise and loose weight, which they 
reminded me.

Got home, and there's no real transition from the hospital, except I have more 
lifestyle options, like watching lectures, reading more stuff, have more eating 
choices, and the like.

No matter where I go, there I am.



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