On 6/1/2014 8:49 PM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Richard, yoga comes from root meaning yoked or union. Are you saying that the goal of union is to separate?!
You *isolate* the Purusha from the prakriti and then the Self stands all by itself. According to Patanjali, Raja Yoga has nothing to do with /'union with the gods'/, but has everything to do with 'isolation from prakriti', that is, the 'cessation of the fluctuations of the mind-stuff'. To Patanjali, the 'Royal Yoga' is the attainment of freedom, based on the sheer willpower of the individual. The Sage Kapila said that success in attaing freedom from suffering is found in individual willpower to knowledge; individual freedom is not the result of any source of power outside one's own body-mind.

"Confusion arises from erroneously identifying words, objects, and ideas with one another; knowledge of the cries of all creatures comes through perfect discipline of the distinctions between them" (Y.S. 3.17).

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