---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 I forget Sal, who is it that claims TM did not, of does not have some cultish 
elements about it? 

 Did you not see the refutation from Orme Johnson about how TM is not a cult? 
And from everyone else. You have to admit you have a problem before you can 
solve it.


 I mean, I know you have a minor orgasm when you come upon some new example.

 Oh I do, major actually,  these are the moments I live for.


 I left before the Robin Carlson period, but I imagine he created quite a 
challenge to the existing structure.  So, I am not surprised that the powers 
that be felt alarmed.

 Yes, these pesky people that stay on the programme, get enlightened and then 
start doing what Marshy said they should do. What can we do with them? Why, ban 
them obviously, can't have people with different opinions wandering about and 
demonstrating that acting in accord with "nature" doesn't mean that you stay a 
slave to the reesh and his own teachings.


 Can you imagine a similar thing happening with any other teacher?  Name one. 
Name any.  How would it have played out?  What about Rama if someone emerged to 
present a significant challenge?

 On the other hand, the separation of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was, by all 
appearances, an amicable parting.  So how do you explain that.


 I'm probably not the person to ask about other teachers, I've never even heard 
of SSRS.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :


How to tell if you're in a cult #75 

 Seems rather fragile this invincibility, eh?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 I was talking to my Kentucky friend Bob the other day. Bob was MIU for eight 
years total, as a student for most of them, but he worked on staff from time to 
time. This is what he told me.

 "Yeah I was there during the Robin Carlsen years. I went to see him once, just 
once, out of curiosity really. And it was interesting, but he was kinda strange 
I thought. He was kinda strange. Now one thing, he did have some energy, no 
question about it. He looked directly in my eyes and man I felt like he was 
peering into all the deep dark stuff that was in there, you know?

 But he was really kinda strange, and from what I could see of his stuff, well 
he was doing exorcisms is what he was really doing with people. But anyway I 
only went that one time, and that was the only time I saw him except for the 
time he came to a Charlie Lutes talk and I was there.

 But anyway, I went back on campus after the Robin Carlsen thing, and went to 
work the next day like usual, I was working the in press at that time and about 
half way through the day a guy comes in and says "Bob, the Ad Council wants to 
see you."

 So I said ok and man, there were a few guys in the press that day, and none of 
'em would look me straight in the eye, they all had these hang dog looks on 
their faces and would only look at me out of the sides of their eyes.

 So I followed this guy on over to where they were waiting for me, and I walk 
in the room and there is Bill Rist, Mario Orsati and James Beddinger. There was 
one other guy there too, but I can't remember who it was. They sit me down and 
started in on the interrogation. They asked me all kinds of questions about my 
going to see Robin, but the main thing they kept asking me over and over was 
"Do you believe in him?"

 So I told 'em what I knew they wanted to hear, like I thought he was flakey 
and I just went that one time out of curiosity and stuff like that. I guess I 
satisfied them, cause they didn't kick me out, but they sure did give me some 
lectures about how I needed to be careful about what I did as a staff or 
student and I needed to be careful about my behavior and my thinking.

 And that was the end of it, except that after that every time I saw James 
around campus he would give me these looks, you know, like "I'm watching you 
boy!" kind of looks.

 And I swear, you know I am a big and was a big Charlie Lutes fan so whenever 
Charlie would come anywhere close to Fairfield, I would always go see him. But 
after that "meeting" with Bill Rist and Mario and James, ever after that when I 
would come back on campus after seeing Charlie, there would come James. 


 It didn't matter if I was headed to my room or the dining hall or student 
union, or wherever I would be, just a few minutes after getting back on campus, 
James would come walking by. He would just say hello, but I knew he was letting 
me know he knew I had gone to see Charlie.

 The other thing that happened was from then on any time I applied for a course 
of any kind, WPA or whatever my application was always held up and I had to 
answer questions about going to see Robin Carlsen that one time. And that went 
on while I was staff and student and for years after, even when I would apply 
to go to a WPA in Louisville or someplace, they have always asked me about 
going to see Robin.


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