merudanda, my intuition tells me that *the powers that be* don't realize that 
they are awakening the full wrath of freedom lovers everywhere with this GMO 
situation. I recently unsubscribed to the Democratic Party newsletter and told 
them I did so because Obama had just signed the Monsanto Protection bill. 
Healthy food is such a basic right. BTW, great cartoon...
Since that bill signing, there are news items about Obama helping with global 
warming, as if that negates what he did viz a viz our food supply! Do they 
really think we're that stupid?!

On Wednesday, June 4, 2014 8:46 AM, merudanda <> wrote:

Thanks for that narrative post and update info. Buck. Apology:  Jim Carrey  
received honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts not philosophy--seems being still in 
MIU  mental mode...
Since I just signed a petition  in support  of  Vermont and it could be that  
not many people caught his jab at Monsanto let us repeat Dr.J.C. joke:

“I’m here to plant a seed today. A seed that will inspire you to go forward in 
your life with enthusiastic hearts and a clear sense of wholeness. The question 
is, will that seed have a chance to take root or will I be sued by Monsanto?”
Is he he poking fun at the aggressive, overreaching nature of the biotech 
company that sues farmers for "patent infringements" - i.e., their patented 
product blew in the wind and landed in a non-contract field, actually 
contaminating that field or was it about label?
Has not Monsanto already filed 144 lawsuits against 410 farmers and 56 small 
farm businesses in at least 27 U.S. States, as of early last year according to 
Is it  really that shocking of the outspoken Dr.h.c. Carrey to have made such a 
remark to the graduates?The March Against Monsanto was taking place when he 
spoke, May 24th, and #EndMonsanto was a top-trending social media event. MUM is 
known for their ayurvedic philosophies and organic health outlook. They are  
one the first college to offer organic vegetarian meals to their students.
Of course you may argue that Dr Jim should have given his speech at Cal 
Poly..... where GMO's began.......
Biotech corporations  trying to rule Europe , too. For more than 15 years 
national governments  in Europe have fought against new GM crops and strongly 
defended their rights to ban them. In  freedom loving USA you are not allowed  
even to label them.
But we are in the same boat
"The United States parallels the EU in a similar regard. Just on the heels of 
Vermont passing the first state GMO food labeling law, the DARK Act of 2014 
(actual name is Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act’) threatens to nullify any 
past and future state laws regarding GMO labeling and bans."
Basically, the result of The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership 
(TTIP)  could -should be that biotech firms gets significant legal power in the 
future decisions of the nations regarding GMOs and place biotech corporations 
above European government!! and certainly above the individual member states 
and their people.
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) resources - Trade - 
European Commission
       Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTI...  
EU and US TTIP chief negotiators Ignacio Garcia Bercero and Dan Mullaney during 
the 5th round of negotiations in Arlington, USA, 19/23 May 2014. View all 
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