Nope. Here's what you said: 

 Thank you so much emptybill. this knowledge about rasas and bhavas is 
extremely useful.


 However, the only "knowledge" emptybill conveyed about rasas and bhavas is 
that they are said to be instrumental in bringing about God-realization through 


 You talk "transcend" but cannot transcend your habitual identification with 
Christian mythology .

Apparently you are unaware of the paths to god through Raudra Rasa and Krodha 

Although not recommended, they are considered the swiftest means of god 

IOW, you are continuing to try to mislead us.

---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 Judy, I think what I said to emptybill, is that I had never encountered those 
phrases before and I like learning new things. To me that means they were 
useful, as was the info I found when I googled on them. 


 On Saturday, June 14, 2014 8:34 PM, "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
<> wrote:

   You said nothing whatsoever about the usefulness of emptybill's information, 
which was that anger is said to be the fastest route to God-realization. That's 
what you thanked him for and said was useful to you, and what Ann was asking 

---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 Judy, you are wrong. Here is the post wherein I answered Ann's question:
 Rasas and bhavas are all about emotions, which in another thread you said you 
have (-:
 I don't think we have 100% control over our emotions. And now that I think of 
it, I wouldn't want to.
 OTOH, I also think that the so called negative emotions release damaging 
chemicals into the body. If these emotions are continually experienced, quite a 
lot of damage can occur.  

 Conversely, I think certain behaviors can facilitate having positive emotions 
more of the time. For example, getting a good night's sleep and eating healthy 

 I also think a key factor is taking responsibility for our emotional 
experiences. I don't think anyone can help the thoughts and emotions that come 
and go all the time. But I think most people can at the very least, be 
committed to an intention to focus on the positive and attend to what's 
negative only for as long as it takes to deal with it. 


I don't think we're responsible for the thoughts and feelings that come and go. 
But we are responsible for the thoughts and feelings we "entertain" and "feed." 
This is what rasa and bhava is about. 

 On Saturday, June 14, 2014 10:32 AM, "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 
<> wrote:

   Share, no, you didn't answer Ann's question. The post you cited as having 
done so wasn't about how the information was "useful" to you. It was just a 
rundown of the information itself. But even so you left out emptybill's point, 
which was about anger being a means to God-realization. I wondered myself how 
that could possibly be useful to you, since it seems so contrary to your 
personal philosophy. You didn't say a word about that.

 And there was not a thing wrong with the "tone" of Ann's post. WTF! indeed.

---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 Ann, you initially wrote: I can't imagine in what way this information could 
possibly be "useful". Information on how to operate your washing machine or 
directions on self administering an anema are useful. Please enlighten me.
Given the tone of your post, I think I did pretty good responding civilly to 
you, several times. And I even answered your question! As the FFL guys might 
say: WTF?!






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