
---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 Hi feste, I think FFL has an interesting quandry in that the vast majority of 
participants are at that stage in life that Piaget called Generativity which 
refers to the desire to pass along one's knowledge and wisdom to the younger 

 Share, this is a badly simplified and inaccurate understanding of 
"Generativity."  I've been reading on it.  You might consider the fact (as you 
are repeating verbatim what you said in an earlier post), that your reduction 
of this concept to the above statement badly corrupts what it is, in essence.  
Don't lock in so easily to what you

 Except there is no younger generation on FFL! 

 Share, how do you define "younger generation?"  I was born in the 60's and was 
a small child living a sheltered existence during that decade - that puts me on 
the verge of a younger generation.  Sal sound like he may also be a youngster.  
But, no matter, as you have the essence of the term and use of the term 
"generativity" incorrect, based on what I've read.  


 And, add to that, most of us are content with our lives so not likely to 
change our opinions, etc. which got us to this point. 

 How do you know this?  Based on what people write here?  That's a hella 
arrogant statement of assumption on your part.  In my case, personally (yes, I 
will share something personal) completely not true in terms of being content 
(unfortunately, maybe) and the jump  in assumption you make tying the concept 
of being "content" to "not likely to change our opinions" is a strange 
philosophy and reflects your position and how you operate here.  Sounds like 
the formula for living in a dead zone to me. 

 Plus, Judy and I are polar opposites not only in outlook but also in 

 We will never agree. 

 And, you slam the door shut again.    

 And I'm fine with that. 

 And, one more time for good measure. 

 However, when she's presenting opinion for fact or truth, I will express 
disagreement. I'm not expecting to change her mind. But I think it's important 
to express what I think to be true.

 Express what you think to be *true* all you like, but realize Share, you don't 
have any idea if it really is *true*.  Don't be scared now, I'm not going to 
reply to any reply you give, as I am taking in the enormity of the resentment 
you have towards me.  I replied to this because of the *repeat* in your 
verbage, without having obviously explored for yourself what it was you were 
professing, after your last post of this concept.  I found it fascinating to 
read you stating that you believe negative emotions release dangerous chemicals 
into the body and yet, your fear and resentments towards me are alive and well 
and have been for a year or two now.  If you'd like me to give you some 
substantive tips on how to release them, let me know.  I might be able to teach 
*you* something, younger generation that I am - you'd have a daughter my age 
Share, if you'd been a teenage mom.  Don't underestimate the power of the 
younger generation to inform and educate the older one.  

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