Some blame the Treaty of Versailles for the birth of Hitler. The desire for the 
allied powers to punish Germany for WW1, led to near destruction of the 
country, economically. In such desperate times, a powerful orator, calling for 
German nationalism, was very hard to resist. He didn't start out talking about 
extermination of the Jews, mentally and physically handicapped, homosexuals, 
gypsies and political opponents, either, but that was his brainchild. Really 
bad combo, and the moustache didn't help at all.
---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 Doesn't it seem like that the "praising Hitler" card gets a lot of play all 
over the place. 

 I mean, it's like if any public figure ever mentions Hitler, somehow or other 
it usually surfaces as "He praised Hiitler.  Do you hear me, the guy praised 

 And then when you look into it, it's usually something like, "Well even Hitler 
started off as a decent portrait artist, (or house painter, or whatever it was)

 But no matter, it ends up turning into, "He praised Hitler, I tell ya!  The 
guy actually praised Hitler"

 Go figure.

---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 Hey Michael, 

 It would be better if you just said,"I don't care to address your point in any 
kind of meaningful way.  Instead, I'm going to launch into my usual tirade 
against TM and MMY"

 Probably you are taking the Hitler comment out of context.

 I get the feeling that you probably spend a lot of time searching for any 
positive news about TM and then send a barrage of what you feel are the 
misrepresentations, whether they are skewed, or not, which is unfortunate since 
you make many good points, but the fact that you are willing to skew many other 
aspects and not address inconsistencies in your finds, overall reduces your 

 Thus saith the Ray.

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 he was a liar, a fraud, taking money under false pretexts, a sexual 
opportunist, and the list goes on and on. If you like his blabber so be it - it 
just means you are easily entertained. I bet you would have loved some of the 
tapes of him praising Hitler.


 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 12:02 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to Ann
   And it's also kind of funny.  One day you'll get a bunch of posts here about 
how he wasn't qualified to be a teacher of meditation because of this reason or 
that reason, or that he didn't follow the traditional Indian protocols, and 
then the next day you'll get an equal number of posts describing what a 
traditional Hindu he was, trying to foist that agenda on his organization.

 I will say that there was an emphasis put on the Hindu side of things. Hindu 
holy days etc.

 I never had a problem with it, but it isn't of much interest to me now.


---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 Hey Michael, how you doin'?  Now, that is sort of funny.  That wasn't the 
question I asked, but you have knack of tying anything to your usual theme. 

 Yes, no doubt there was a lot of repetition in MMY's message.  Yes, it could 
get rather dull.  But for me, well, I found many gems.  I gained insight into 
Vedic knowledge and Hindu scriptures.  You hear the criticism that M was no 
student of Hinduism or the Vedas.  And it seems that most of that criticism 
centers on the mantras, or whether he was qualified to have the role of a 
teacher, or one of so many other "technical" points.

 Like any of that mattered to me.  Not!

 I found his knowledge of the Vedas to be profound.  I think his commentary of 
the Gita was profound.

 Please, show me otherwise, other than some technical point that because he 
wasn't a Brahman, he wasn't authorized to have the role he assumed.


 I'm not saying that things didn't get a little topsy turvy in the last 15 
years ago, because I think they did, but I'm still riding the wave of what I 
got. And yes, I got my money's worth.



---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 When did Marshy ever change? He told the same old story for decades and lied 
every time he told them. 


 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 11:02 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to Ann
   Here's what I find kind of interesting, if I've got it right.  When a person 
returns to posting after being away for a while, you expect a fresh 
perspective, like we got from RD, with that beautiful poem, and also noticing 
that she refrains from participating in negativity.  (okay, 2016 campaign  
hasn't started (-;   But then Edg comes back, full of all that old anger 
towards Richard, as though the disagreements were yesterday.

 Like I say, I'm not sure if Richard said something that triggered Edg on this 
last round, but it seemed to come out of nowhere.

 And really, that's kind of scary to think that a person hasn't changed in so 
many months.


---In, <raunchydog@...> wrote :

 "A theory provides an explanatory framework for some observation, and from the 
assumptions of the explanation follows a number of possible hypotheses that can 
be tested in order to provide support for, or challenge, the theory."  
Warning: Opinions, assumptions and theories offered on FFLife will be 
challenged if based on fantasy or lies.





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