Emily has your number, cold, Share. Nuthin' inaccurate about it. If she says 
something, about either you, or Barry, it is a good idea, and a huge time 
saver, to listen up. I know this falls on deaf ears, too, but that is yours and 
Barry's issue, not mine.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 turq, WRT Emily, I actually was ignoring her and she kept making inaccurate 
psychological comments to other people about my ignoring her, etc. So yeah, I 
took the bait to set the record straight, and partially to be minimally 


 More about Emily since she's back on mission after her break! IMO she used to 
post interesting stuff here sometimes. Now, like you said, she mainly posts to 
analyze me. For what ultimate purpose?! And why is she so obsessed with me?! 
It's totally weird imho! Of course it all started over the RWC kafufel. Really, 
go figure!


 Judy is another story, being way harsher and self righteous. What compels a 
person to participate in such a manner so unrelentingly? And for decades! I 
admit it totally baffles me. Well, not totally. I have my theories. Which I'm 
sure you guys would LOVE to hear LOL!




 On Tuesday, June 17, 2014 5:06 AM, "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

   From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

 On 6/16/2014 8:26 PM, feste37 wrote:
   It's not a matter of "protection." It's simply that your harassment of Share 
is so persistent, so unpleasant, so obsessive, that it leaves a nasty taste in 
the mouth. No one deserves to be pursued by a harridan like you, least of all 
Share, who knows how to preserve civil discourse even if you don't. 

 Oh for God's sake and mine just leave it alone. If I were Share I would tell 
you to back off, mind your own business and assume I can look after myself. You 
treat her like an invalid. You're all so cloying and claustrophobic. Anyone 
with an iota of self respect would be insulted by all of your "concern" and 
it's about time Share showed a bit of independence and told you all to "fuck 


Actually, I'm surprised Share hasn't told you lot to fuck off and just ignore 
all the attempts to "correct" her non-approved behaviour.  Or is it that she 
must be assimilated or driven off the forum? Who knows, without this tedious 
correcting and fake concern that clogs the list this place might get to be 
worth reading again.....

As I've said before, IMO Share has an ego-investment in all of this persecution 
herself, otherwise she wouldn't (as she often does) start up one of the 
harassment campaigns again after it's died down, just to "get in the last 
word." That's her part in all of this. 

That said, it's pretty amazing that the perpetrators of this harassment really 
don't *get* how accurate my comparisons of it to a Jr. High School "Mean Girls 
Club" really are. Whenever their lives get boring (which seems to be often), 
they "liven them up" by pouncing on someone they perceive to be weaker, and 
attacking her. 

Judy is the worst. For her it's a lifestyle. My bet is that if you went back 
and really analyzed the traffic on Fairfield Life, you would be unable to find 
*a single week* in which she has *not* found the need to "correct" someone. 
Which, in her case, means "belittle them and put them down as stupid so I can 
appear to be smart." This is just what she DOES. We can all speculate about 
what *caused* this behavior in her, but there is simply no question that the 
behavior is present. It was present when she first showed up on a.m.t. nearly 
twenty years ago, it has been present pretty much every week she was posting 
since then, and it is present now. For Judy, Descartes' "I think, therefore I 
am" had been reduced to "I correct and put down and try to intimidate, 
therefore I am." She really, really, really can't live without it. 

Ann is just a follower, primarily "in it" for the pats on the head and the dog 
biscuits she gets from Yet Another Abuser She's Chosen To Follow. She did it 
with Robin, not just tolerating but *applauding* his abuse of others, and now 
she's doing it with Judy. Her version of Descartes' statement is "I'm terrified 
that I'm not really *anything* unless I'm trying to put down the person I've 
been told to put down," and in that assessment she would actually be correct. 
She's nothing. 

Emily's more of a puzzle, in that she seems to have really, really, really 
developed her own personal vendetta against Share. It may have *started* with 
her just "following the girls" in the Mean Girls Club, but now the opportunity 
to dump on Share is pretty much the only thing that draws her back to FFL. 
She's addicted to Judy's playbook, having found it a "good fit" for herself. 
And interestingly, she's even more in denial about her real motivations for 
doing this (hatred) than Judy is. On some level, I think Judy may actually be 
aware of how insanely vindictive she is; I don't think Emily is, or will ever 
be. She's in complete denial. 

Jim, the last member of the Mean Girls Club, is just in it for the attention. 
He'll do *anything* and say *anything* to get attention. We *are*, after all, 
talking about the guy who pretended to be a woman on this forum for several 
months, as if the falsely claiming to be enlightened wasn't *enough*. But he 
also piles on because the persecution routine is a "good fit" for him because 
his solipsism is so strongly established that he can't really feel any empathy 
for the people whose persecution he piles on to. 

All in all, it's really quite an embarrassing soap opera, played out as it is 
on this forum day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after 
year. Judy orchestrated it by creating such a poisonous atmosphere that all of 
this actually feels "normal" to many people who have had to put up with it for 
all these years, but it's not. It's pathological, and even more sick in 
supposed adults than it is in the Jr. High School girls they're emulating. 

I suppose we should be happy for so much free entertainment.

 I remember enjoying the Mean Girls movie though, maybe because it didn't go on 
and on for so long....

Compare and contrast, especially in light of Curtis' masterful take-down of 
their "You *must* be the way we think you should be" mindset they display so 
often, not to mention how some of their victims respond to it. 

"On Wednesdays we wear pink!" 

"And they have this book, this Burn Book, in which they say mean things about 
all the girls in our grade." 
"What does it say about me?"
"You're not in it."
"Those bitches!"

"I can put my whole fist in my mouth. Want to see?"
"It's OK. Anything else?
"I'm kind of psychic. I have a fifth sense."
"What do you mean?"
"It's like I have ESPN or something. My breasts can always tell when it's going 
to rain." 

"Laura, I don't hate you because you're fat. You're fat because I hate you." 

"I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me. I can't help it that I'm popular."

 The Greatest Quotes from Mean Girls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YUaQGEQ8-Q

 The Greatest Quotes from Mean Girls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YUaQGEQ8-Q

 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YUaQGEQ8-Q
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