---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 I really am bailing on this, Lawson, because I know from experience that 
you'll want to perpetuate it and argue about it forever, and I...uh...have a 
life and thus am not interested. My "parting shot" is that you might want to 
notice the similarities between your feelings about this and your feelings 
about TM. 


 Most people in the world consider comic books to be a watered-down form of 
storytelling that may be OK for young kids and early adolescents, but really 
aren't worth paying that much attention to once one has grown up. Adults who 
disagree and obsess on comics 

 are looked upon as fanatics, and odd.


 Most people in the world consider TM what it is -- a watered-down form of 
meditation that was OK for beginners, but isn't worth pursuing once one grows 
up and gains a bit more experience along the spiritual path. Those who disagree 
and become similarly obsessed on TM and its supposed "bestness" are similarly 
looked upon as fanatics, and odd. Just sayin'.

 Preference is merely preference. But fanaticism is *always* fanaticism...


 Bawee, you are a card. Here is a guy (YOU!) who is obsessed with hanging out 
on forums, writing endlessly at hole-in-the-wall cafes about nothing, ranting 
non-stop at those who don't give a crap and sits glued to a screen that runs 
never-ending streams of television drivel and Lawson is the guy without a 
life?? Hilarious.




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