---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :
Hey there, JC - I didn't find much practical value, in what you had to share - sorry. I don't rule out UFOs - On the other hand, I find them uber creepy, and so don't put any energy in that direction. Us humans do enough amazing, and fucked up, stuff to keep me quite interested, right here. As for being eternal in some way, shape, or form, my response is, both, "OK", and, "So what?". I am working within this form, here in the material world, to learn as much as possible - 'the medium is the message', etc. I agree that real life is about as overwhelmingly weird as we can make it, and I'll just stick with that, for awhile. What is your 'life on the speck of dust' like? Any interests, beyond UFOs? See bawee, now here is a far more interesting and nuanced response from Mac. He's playing and not threatened by John. ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <john_carter_bsc@...> wrote : Hi Thanks for the comments, I had my name before the fictional character was created ( like a few other John Carter's) Your comments are what I expected, life on the speck of dust is still in need of updating. Youth brain washing is a powerful thing. John On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 9:08 AM, "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote: From: "John Carter john_carter_bsc@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> Hi Guys I have had spiritual communication for most of my life and about 40 years ago I was given info that challenges convention in a big way. Since that time I have probably told about 10 people this info and I always get the same reaction – stunned silence. Congratulations. With me, instead of "stunned silence" you have achieved "incredulous laughter," that anyone could possibly BE so stupid as to believe any of this crap. No offense intended, but if you're going to troll groups looking for a response you should be willing to handle the honest responses. :-) I am deeply into UFO's and recently sent a lady ( because she is enlightened and has her own abductee groups) the following email, her reaction was – you guessed it. To be honest, I didn't even get past this first howler before having the "How can anyone possibly BE so stupid as to believe this kinda stuff" reaction, if it helps you to hone your communication skills further. Also, highlighting occasional dumb words in color doesn't make them any less dumb. Just sayin'... :-) I have read a lot of this groups emails and wonder if some of you are ready for this. You may assume that at least one member of this group (moi) is not. But then I'm one of this group's resident cynics. Nablus will believe ANYTHING that mentions "aliens," so you might get the kind of response you were hoping for from him. :-) I would like to know your thoughts My thoughts are that the only "John Carter" who is entitled to speak about alien life forms is the fictional character by that name invented by Edgar Rice Burroughs. :-) Hey, you asked... To put this in context re recent concerns about whether FFL is past its expiration date, the same thing happened on alt.meditation.transcendental when most of the interesting people gave up on that place and moved on, too. Then the real fringe elements moved in. The only "regular" who stuck around at a.m.t. was Willytex, who posted *more*, not less, as if he felt more at home with the insanity. One look at the Post Count totals lately seem to indicate that history may be repeating itself on FFL. :-)