Richard, can a person tell if I've unfriended them on Facebook?

On Tuesday, July 29, 2014 10:57 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
[FairfieldLife]" <> wrote:

You can pretty much tell by their FFL comments who uses Facebook and who just 
talks about it. On Facebook, it all depends on who your friends are. Most 
people don't try to start an argument with their friends or family members - we 
have social media sites like Yahoo! Groups and Google Groups for that. 

We've been using Facebook since it started in order to keep in
      touch with our large extended tribe - we're trying to keep in
      touch with families in four states: brothers and sisters, our two
      offspring, four grandchildren and two great children. It's complicated.

So, when you post a bigoted opinion on Facebook and in a few
      minutes you get unfriended, that pretty much tells  you who likes you or 
not anymore. Facebook Wisdom: It's not complicated.

On 7/29/2014 8:46 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


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