Meditation is not a science and Marshy only glommed onto it when he saw it 
could get him more followers. The monkey on your back is lying to you Buck - 
stop listening to him.

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" <>
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 10:12 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Science and the Meissner Effect of Consciousness 
as Field

The TM movement has always been about science testing and large
scale science and thinking.  Constrained now their limit currently is
very much by the money to do pilot large scale studies.  Evidently
the modern movement is not in a position to gather much large data by
way of more large-scale hypothesis testing now.  Evidently the
numbers are not there for reasons of some bad past behavior with
money and finances.  Particularly now in the internet era of the
growing transparency of large and fast data, publishing, and
communication a well-being and survival for most any group or
organization may particularly rest within their own ethical behavior
as a “Leading Economic Indicator”.  I wish TM well.  For all the
world there is much riding on the science of meditating.  Hopefully
they can come to behave themselves better and really well ethically
going forward for all to see.

The Meissener Effect.  One percent.  N-squared.  All through the
history of the TM movement Maharishi was making observation and
hypothesis and based on observation and testing of hypothesis came
the actions of policy and direction of the larger TM movement.
Science process entirely drove what we see as the TM movement now.  That is a
clear history of the TM movement.  All the movement initiatives all
through the decades were always driven as science testing of
hypothesis about spirituality.  All along Maharishi even from the
first moments of his coming to the West was dragging science in to
the 21stCentury around spirituality.  A problem now is
that the perceived less-than-ethical performance of the TM movement itself all 
along has also stalled a support of participation in and finances for the 
programs today that are needed to test for data and hypothesis on any
of these former fronts.  Replication?  The old days of large science driving 
initiatives evidently are over.. related mostly to the old TM
meditating community's perception around the finances of the TM
movement itself.  -Buck


Yes quite evidently you and the other anti-meditation anti-science
folks here are afraid of where the data is going.  Your asserting no
data therefore no replication and therefore it can't be talked about or 
researched.  Asserting
that it does not exist defies reality and scientific process itself
of data, observation, hypothesis and testing .  Lawson is looking at
how to replicate given the practical constraints of such a project given the 
You completely miss-interpret to your own vile ends.  You evidently
don't want anything to happen less it disturb your anti-meditation
and anti-spiritual grumblings.  You contend the research can't be
replicated and shouldn't be, well talk about subterfuge and
anti-science anti-intellectualism.  Next we'll hear from you that
there never was such a thing as darshan where obviously there is and
then you'll say it is not worth trying to look at for fear of what we
might find.  Did you just renew your membership down at the local conservative 
Anglican Church or something that you come on so regressive like you do? 
in the Dome

Thanks LEnglish5 very much for this more even-handed review of what is current. 
 It is refreshing in the face of all the anti-science and allergy that so many 
have to TM and spirituality here on this board.  -Buck 

What are you talking about Buck? Lawson used to be the hard core defender of ME 
research, it's only very recently he's come round to the viewpoint I've held 
all along, that ME research doesn't show what is claimed for it. So why are you 
calling me "anti-science"?

Criticismis science, that's how it works. Someone has an idea, they collect 
evidence and publish it. The ME research doesn't show anything beyond 
statistical manipulation, it sure as hell didn't show a huge decrease in crime. 
So the ball is back in the court of the people who claim its efficacy to prove 
it was a real effect.

Your problem is that you get all sensitive when someone criticises a pet theory 
of yours when it's all part of the scientific process. If the ME stands up 
someone will find a way of demonstrating it. It might help if they had an  
explanation for how it might work in the first place. Instead all they have is 
a bunch of wishy-washy new age terms explained in the context of other 
wishy-washy new age terms. So why should anyone take it seriously and go to the 
expense of testing it when, as Lawson points out, there appears to be no 
evidence to try and replicate?


LEnglish5 writes:
It may have been demonstrated to the satisfaction of true believers, but not to 
the satisfaction of skeptics.

The problem with the ME research is that it is essentially not replicatable on 
a large-scale. No two cities or groups of cities are really alike, and even 
using the same city over and over again for a study has many issues.

Fred Travis' thesis research on interpersonal EEG coherence (the ME between two 
people) would be a better route to go, but he was forced to use averages of EEG 
statistics over a period of many seconds, and it turns out that there is a 
ceiling effect on that specific measure which makes it unlikely to find the 
effect consistently. 

So... what to do?

As I pointed out before, there's a more sophisticated way of analyzing global 
EEG called "EEG microstates," where the average electrical activation of the 
brain can be examined in tiny slices of time, down to as low as 2-10 
milliseconds per slice. That is easily 400x the resolution that Fred used in 
his original study.

The people in charge of the TM organization are well aware of how the ME 
research is viewed by most non-believers, but there's been no way to satisfy 
genuine concerns like independent replication until now. The DC experiment not 
only cost the TM organization several million to conduct, but it required 
coordinating the lives of 4,000 Sidhas. This is NOT something that can ever be 
replicated on a regular basis, no matter what kind of resources you have and 
you can't expect the average skeptical scientist to arrange to do such 
research, either.

When the upcoming EEG microstate research on TM is published, if it turns out 
that there is a definite pattern associated with pure consciousness, it may be 
possible to redo Fred Travis' original research with as many as 400x the number 
of data points in a given TM session. I don't know offhand, how much more 
sensitive this would make a specific study, but I'm pretty sure it is a LOT 
more sensitive...

...tried just now to plug various values into online statistical calculators, 
and it looks like having 400x as many data points roughly makes a given simple 
experiment 400x as sensitive (sorta -there might be a square-root in there, but 
it looks like it is a lot more than 20x as sensitive so not sure)...

John Hagelin obviously realizes the points above. He was giving the standard 
party line to me earlier this year about how the research into the ME is 
reliable, etc., but when I started to point out that there would be potentially 
400x as many data points as was available in Fred Travis' experiments and that 
this meant fully independent skeptics could conduct their own very cheap 
experiments, he kinda got excited and interrupted me about halfway through my 
spiel, saying he would talk to Fred Travis about it.


---In, <> wrote :

Maharishi's technologies for creating peace was demonstrated again and again in 
the 70'ies and 80'ies. No need for any more demonstrations. It is well 
documented and it's now up to responsible leaders in the world to implement 
these technologies at a fraction of the costs of waging wars.

---In, <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :

I agree. I am a little surprised that the TMO hasn't done this, as a 
continuation of Maharishi's initiatives. Of course, there are enough hot spots 
that it could be an issue to fund all of them. Maharishi always wanted 
countries to recognize the value of his programs on their own, but it is 
something very tough to do, while fighting a war. Jordan may be safe enough, 
and close enough, and friendly enough, for a group of Sidhas, though I can't 
think of anyplace else. I seem to recall this was done, at least once before in 
possibly Lebanon?

---In, <> wrote :

You are exaggerating as usual. There is no point in putting people in harm's 
way, which would be grossly irresponsible. That was never the idea. The 
Maharishi effect doesn't mean that all violence ceases immediately or that you 
could meditate as a group in the middle of a battlefield and come out 

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

Oh no! Let 'em put up or shut up! Let 'em go to where the rockets are flying 
and do so at their own expense. If it really works the way they claim, they 
will be in no danger.

From: feste37 <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] For The
Turq and his Superiors

I think they should try it. Nothing else is working. It's just the usual, 
endless round of violence. The TM group wouldn't have to go into the most 
dangerous areas. Just being close would probably do it. 

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

Thank you Nabby for posting this bold article.

Here is the comment I posted on the site - let's see if they have the balls to 
allow it to be posted:

As a former practitioner of transcendental meditation, I know that you are a 
shill for the TM Movement. You are also not giving full information in your 
article. IDT refers to the TM Sidhi program, the one that purports to enable 
people to levitate. In no way shape or form is this nonsense scientifically 

let's give you the benefit of the doubt - you want to prove this voodoo 
technology works then I challenge you to personally lead a group into the most 
dangerous and violent sections of Israel and the Gaza strip.

Let the TM Movement pay every penny of the expense in supporting such a group 
rather than begging the rest of the world to financially support you (which is 
your actual intent in suggesting such a group) and see how long you
last. I do suggest you make sure to give the Israeli authorities the names of 
your next of kin, I expect they will
need them. 

From: nablusoss1008 <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 9:30 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] For The Turq and
his Superiors

An Outsider's View of How to Calm Middle East-Gaza Tension

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