First; Purusha wasn't even invented. Second; though all ambassies expected huge 
problems,closed down and moved all personell out of the country expecting riots 
and possible deaths and even though the airlines closed down all flights to 
Teheran, not a single person was hurt. It was a major success-story for our 
Movement. Despite what the naysayers or ill-informed like yourself will 
continue to blurb.---In, <LEnglish5@...> wrote : 
Well, in fact, the founder of this Forum, Rick Archer, wrote a comment about 
the time he and a bunch of Perusha were sent into Iran during the Fall, and how 
surreal it was to go on the roof of his hotel after Program and watch buildings 
only a mile or so away burning after being struck by weapons or something. 
 He also describes his current take on his activities back then:

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