---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote : Yeah, the 
girl/woman thing within the TM movement is its own story. Someone should be 
collecting interviews from some of the women still alive who have lived and 
been influential at the apex regions of the TM movement. Get their stories and 
perspective on how as modern women they survived at that level. For instance 
the mom of Keith and Peter Wallace lived close inside it for decades at the 
top. Bevan's mom too. I think both are gone now. There are a few elders from 
who it would be really good to hear their stories and observations about being 
a woman inside and surviving at that level with access and some influence. I 
can think of a few but won't give their names out here. However, some 
thoughtful scholarship different than ranting could certainly come along there.
 Yes, knowledge is good, dear Bucky, but when you see a whole shwack of men in 
golden crowns and flowing robes attending MMY's funeral with nary a female in 
sight then you gotta questions whether their busy at home preparing the 
chapatis and scrubbing the laundry on river rocks.
 Dear Dear FFL;  Maharishi did not designate a 'Guru' to follow him; however, 
the Raja are like the equivalent of executive vice presidents in our modern day 
corporate order.  And, like executive vice-presidents in any large corporations 
or like Lieutenant-Generals in large armies or revolutionary movements, some 
simply are more effective than others; there are Rajas and there are Rajas.  
Some are there because they are effective executives of the corporate mission 
and some are there because of their money and their willing essential capital 
support that they can altruistically give to the execution of the mission of 
the corporation.  This was all very well planned out ahead of time by 
Maharishi.  Get over it.  It was well prepared for.  They were given the 
authority and responsibility for the TM movement the way it is today.  They 
certainly are learning as they go along what they in fact have inherited from 
Maharishi.  You will notice that they rarely wear their outfits in public now.  
They are learning.  I wish them all well and great success.  A lot is riding on 
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome
 Thanks for this explanation of the role of the Rajas. So they are more like a 
board of directors of a company it sounds like. This is interesting. Just 
because these MEN have assets does this mean they have any expertise in running 
a company? Or a Movement? What are these MEN'S backgrounds? Can you provide a 
list of who they are and how long they remain or have remained "on the board"? 
You need at least a million in gifts to the Movement to qualify? How often do 
they get together? Now I am interested in this group of MEN who, apparently, 
due to their financial status and willingness to give to the Movement have been 
asked to wear robes and crowns. Tell me more.
alexander_stanley@...> wrote : When the whole raja thing came about, people 
came up to me on more than one occasion and asked what it was like to be the 
brother of a raja. My reply was that it's exactly like not being the brother of 
a raja, except now people come up to me and ask what it's like to be the 
brother of a raja. I was tempted to have a t-shirt printed with, "My brother 
became a raja, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt."
 I am sure you have taken some indirect, and perhaps direct, flak about this 
Raja business. And because I like you (even though I don't really know you) I 
always am aware that when I make a comment about Rajas that your brother is one 
and it makes me feel just a teeny bit guilty. However, the Raja concept is one 
I have a hard time wrapping my proverbial head around because: 
 A) Their wardrobe is preposterous
 B) There don't appear to be any female Rajas (maybe they declined the option, 
seeing as the wardrobe is not good).
 C) The idea of this hierarchical monarchy business just seems so strange and 
elitist and transparent since it's based on monetary contributions.
 D) I'm jealous and really want to wear a white robe emblazoned with gold 
 awoelflebater@...> wrote :
 mjackson74@...> wrote :
 Has your bro ever let you try on the crown and does it appear to be made of 
tin or gold?
 See, this is why I love you MJ.
 From: "j_alexander_stanley@... [FairfieldLife]" 
<FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com Sent: Friday, 
August 15, 2014 7:30 PMSubject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Relating to spiritual 
teachers (was Re: 8/12&13/14-Maharishi...)
   When the whole raja thing came about, people came up to me on more than one 
occasion and asked what it was like to be the brother of a raja. My reply was 
that it's exactly like not being the brother of a raja, except now people come 
up to me and ask what it's like to be the brother of a raja. I was tempted to 
have a t-shirt printed with, "My brother became a raja, and all I got was this 
lousy t-shirt."
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote : ---In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote : How you know? Have you 
bitten one to check and see if its gold?Gold or tin, they'll both bend between 
a set of teeth. The higher the gold content, the softer it is. I'm thinking 
these guys actually wanted to be Pope but had to settle for Raja instead.



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