The Wiki bit is a pretty good summary. The night before the takeover was to be 
revealed to the students, Maharishi (who was secretly in the Phillipines, 
although we were not told that) kept us all up half the night cooking up 
elaborate plans involving stringing many Christmas lights around campus, big 
banners, etc. His idea of a festive announcement. It backfired. We ended up 
with negative banner headlines in the papers every day and protestors marching 
in the street in front of our hotel. There were bomb threats, and a serious 
fire at the couples’ hotel. I don’t remember whether anyone died it in, but it 
was serious. People were clinging to balconies and had to be rescued with fire 
truck ladders.


From: [] 
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 5:42 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Meissner Effect of Consciousness and its 
spiritual Darshan The Dawn of a New Age



>From what I've noticed, the TM movement has gone basically underground in the 
>Philippines.  When I was in Manila in 2006, the TMO did not have any 
>advertising or center telephone numbers in the yellow pages.

In my prior visit in 1998, I found the local center telephone number on the 
telephone book and inquired about their advanced techniques.  A secretary took 
my hotel telephone number, but I never got any answer back from any of the 
teachers at the center.

---In <> , 
<mjackson74@... <mailto:mjackson74@...> > wrote :

I mentioned your recollection to a TM friend who was partly raised in the 
Philippines and he wondered what happened at the university of the East - 
Interesting piece of Movement history that the TMO has neglected to put in all 
the shiny books MIU press has put out.

wiki had this to say:


The economic crisis and recession that hit the Philippines in the 1980s did not 
spare UE. The devaluation of the peso, rising inflation, the high cost of 
wages, coupled with faculty, personnel and student strikes affected UE. 
Enrollment declined. 

This period intensified into a crisis that almost led to the school's being 
sold to a foreign religious group. Financial trouble and academic decline 
continued to burden UE throughout the 1980s. For a brief period in 1984, a 
controlling interest in the university was held by an entity of Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi <> 's 
Transcendental Meditation movement 
<> . Students 
boycotted classes and held protests against the takeover, and in short time 
control was returned to stakeholders.[4] 
<> [5] 



From: "'Rick Archer' rick@... [FairfieldLife]" < 
<> >
To: <>  
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 11:16 AM
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] The Meissner Effect of Consciousness and its 
spiritual Darshan The Dawn of a New Age




From: <>  
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2014 2:16 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Meissner Effect of Consciousness and its 
spiritual Darshan The Dawn of a New Age



So what happened when you were with the group in Iran? Was there a noticeable 
effect? Did the fighting or unrest calm or stop? I am a relative newcomer here 
so if you have addressed this it was before my time. 


I’d say that things got progressively worse. Sometimes I’d go out for a walk 
with a blonde haired Swedish friend and folks would say, “Are you crazy? Get 
off the street. You’ll be killed or kidnapped.” The group ended up being 
confined to our hotel for a month for safety. Same thing happened in the 
Philippines, when the movement’s attempt to take over the University of the 
East provoked street demonstrations. 


Back to Tehran, at one point, due to some change in hotels the group got split 
up and the group that moved to the new hotel didn’t have their luggage. We were 
making furtive dashes through dangerous streets to get our belongings. With the 
division of the group, the social unrest seemed to escalate, which might 
support the notion that the group was actually having an effect. Hard to say. 
We were relieved to leave, two or three days before the Shah did.



From: "'Rick Archer' rick@... <mailto:rick@...>  [FairfieldLife]" 
< <> >
To: <>  
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2014 2:59 PM
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] The Meissner Effect of Consciousness and its 
spiritual Darshan The Dawn of a New Age



I don’t think I ever said I don’t “believe” in the “Maharishi Effect”. I think 
it’s an interesting theory. I think consciousness is a field. I’ve been in 
groups as large as 8,000 meditating, and the effect was palpable. I think the 
movement bends over backwards to try to get sometimes dubious research to 
validate their theories, but even if the research isn’t as rigorous as might be 
hoped, the theory might have substance. I think TM research may have validated 
it to some extent, but with the vested interest being so strong, one has to 
take the reseach with a grain of salt.



From: <>  
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2014 9:23 AM
To: <> 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Meissner Effect of Consciousness and its spiritual 
Darshan The Dawn of a New Age



Om, you people are re-contextualizing words in Rick's mouth here. In context 
Rick don't have to believe nothing like what you are trying to say, he 
certainly knows the Meissner field effect [M.E.] of consciousness like the 
Maharishi Effect observes.   Just what do you think a darshan is? You doubters 
are pitiable spiritual midgets. You are simply pitiable,


Well, Rick no longer believes in the Maharishi Effect, so...


---In <> , 
< <> > wrote :

That's right. What Rick was saying was that saving lives, as Maharishi did in 
Teheran, was insane.Makes you wonder what side everyone is...

---In <> , 
<LEnglish5@... <mailto:LEnglish5@...> > wrote :

I was only summarizing what Rick said he now thinks about going to Tehran to 
participate in group meditation during teh Fall of the Shah:

Insane ("crazy" was the actual technical term he used, I think).


---In <> , 
< <> > wrote :

BTW: I'm sorry, I thought your post was by Bhairitu, notorios for making broad 
and misleading comments about a movement he left years if not decades ago. Your 
posts usually command a high level of respect.

---In <> , 
<LEnglish5@... <mailto:LEnglish5@...> > wrote :

My bad about saying that Rick was on Purusha when he went to Tehran.

As for the rest, you and Michael appear to sock puppets for each other, 
misreading everything everyone else says and arguing incessantly with people 
what you think they said, rather than what they actually said...


---In <> , 
< <> > wrote :

First; Purusha wasn't even invented. Second; though all ambassies expected huge 
problems,closed down and moved all personell out of the country expecting riots 
and possible deaths and even though the airlines closed down all flights to 
Teheran, not a single person was hurt. It was a major success-story for our 
Movement. Despite what the naysayers or ill-informed like yourself will 
continue to blurb.---In 
<> , <LEnglish5@... <mailto:LEnglish5@...> 
> wrote :

Well, in fact, the founder of this Forum, Rick Archer, wrote a comment about 
the time he and a bunch of Perusha were sent into Iran during the Fall, and how 
surreal it was to go on the roof of his hotel after Program and watch buildings 
only a mile or so away burning after being struck by weapons or something.

He also describes his current take on his activities back then:




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