you're in denial - plus, you took me to task for using flatulence jokes in my 
last piece and here you are doing it too. Come on! Canadians are 'posed to be 
more cultured than crass Americans!

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bottom Line

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

No different than Mahar-shee or Amma - everyone who sees them feels whatever 
they feel and it in their consciousness perhaps so it kind of doesn't make any 
difference who the so-called guru is. It may be some cosmic trick or blessing 
that makes "experiences" happen in the company of self-styled gurus. I guess 
the Universe, if it gives a crap at all thinks it would be too mind bending if 
we had these cosmic experiences everytime we saw the public bis driver or the 
bag lady on the street. 

Now I'll wait for some TM sycophant to blabber about how they have cosmic 
experiences all the time when they see bag ladies and what's wrong with me that 
I malign homeless people.

And it does appear that you are as obsessed with Barry as Stevie is with me.

Obsession, cultists, neganauts, sycophants, true believers - the list goes on. 
These labels are getting overused, are mostly not accurate anyway, and are just 
a lazy person's way of cataloguing people. If bawee went away (please God, make 
it happen) I would never think about him or talk about him. I only address his 
silliness here because I'm one of those people who have to open the window when 
someone in the room farts. No one is obsessed with anyone here that I can see. 
You seem to spend a lot of time talking about TM and Maharishi. Steve is having 
an interaction with you and you with him. Does this make you and him obsessed 
with each other? Not in my book. Throwing these labels around is meaningless 
and exaggerated not to mention false.

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bottom Line

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

No swooning but I did feel some good energy - I bet Rama still has better 
energy than you all day long, even tho he be dead.

Well he certainly had quite the hairdo, I'll give him that. Have you watched 
his interviews at all? He is about as smarmy as they come. I watched a bit of
his videos about two years ago and was pretty creeped out. His energy, if you 
want to call it that, was akin to a really disingenuous car salesman. Maybe the 
way he came across in person was different but I doubt it. Here is one 
particularly oily interview:

 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 9:27 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bottom Line

It is admirable that you have taken this little charge under your wing like you 

After all, he's on record for havingpositively swooned reading Road Trip 
episodes, so yes, you do need to return the favor.

Even more admirable is that you are setting aside
vacation time to do so.

I really didn't think the situation had deteriorated to this
point, but I guess it had.

Any feedback to share on how the "reporters" are taking to Michael's episodes?

Are they frantically making notes on how each of the "cultists" here are 

Gotta love it.

Enjoy vacation!  (but better keep checking in) (-:

<turquoiseb@...> wrote :

The last couple of days, Michael has been taking real trends and real past 
events in the TM organization over the years and riffing on them, imagining the 
kind of sick and twisted fantasy world they'd create to live in, given time. 
He's clearly been HAVING FUN doing this, and has been neither harming anyone 
here or even mentioning them. If he's made fun of anyone, it was high-ranking 
(and rank) officials of the TMO, *not* anyone on this forum. 

And in response, Steve, Willytex, Jim, and others have been reacting like the 
cultists they are, insinuating all the terrible things all of this HAVING FUN 
"mean" about Michael. 

Which do you think are acting more like cultists, eh?

Which can't stand to have the things they're attached to made FUN of?

Lurking reporters, pay attention. T'would seem that by making fun of big-time 
TM cultists (the Rajas, Bevan Morris, and "King" Tony), Michael has struck a 
nerve in the lesser cultists, and they're reacting as if he'd physically 
attacked them. 

I just live it when cultists prove what they are...

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                • ... 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
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          • ... Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
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