Send by sister, who runs the TM center in Evanston, Illinois:


from a young woman....


My experience with TM:

Going into TM, I was unsure what the benefits I would find from this practice. 
I suffer from severe anxiety and am on medication just to make it through the 
day to keep it under control. Within a few weeks of starting practicing TM, I 
found not only did I need to take my medications as often, but overall my 
stress and anxiety levels were much lower. 


Through TM, I was able to learn to keep myself from getting myself to getting 
to the point where I felt the same anxiety, depression or stress as I 
previously did. As I continue to practice, I continue to find more and more 
things that don’t “trigger” these feelings and overall I feel more at peace. 
After a few months of practicing, I can now meditate on a packed bus or CTA 
train and I don’t even notice the noise or people around, nor do I have any 
feelings of anxiety. 


Overall, my health has improved, my mental health has improved and I feel 
happier than I ever have. TM has changed my life in so many ways, it truly has 
brought me peace I have never been able to obtain on my own or with 
medications. I only wish I could found this sooner. 


  • [FairfieldLife] TM sto... 'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]

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