Richard, I really Like this comment, think you've gotten to the crux of the 
matter. And yet been gentle too. Yay!

On Thursday, August 21, 2014 9:51 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]" <> wrote:

On 8/21/2014 8:52 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

>No big deal - I never liked the arrogance shown by some of the Guvs, and it 
>remains the reason I did not become one. My guardian angels looking after me.
It's probably only natural for some people to have some resentment
    against authority. But, you have to remember, you don't have to like
    your boss, just do what they tell you to do. You can always quit and
    get another job or enroll at another school.

This kind of negative attitude about "big shots" is very common in
    students enrolled in private religious schools - sometimes they even
    hate the ministers or the nuns trying to teach them. Sometimes
    students or workers just feel so inadequate and insignificant that
    they become vindictive and just plain JELLOS and want to strike out
    at something. It's important for them to get some counseling before
    they cause harm to themselves or to others.

Where is Dr. Pete when we need him?

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :
>You are right, my bad - re-reading it I admit it may sound as if I was talking 
>about working at LM - what I meant was I only saw John C on one course at LM 
>and comment about the big shots rotating thru departments and not wanting to 
>get their hands dirty happened at MIU - I never worked at South Fallsburg or 
>Livingston Manor. I apologize for my rude comment to you.
> From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 
> <>
>Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 7:42 PM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Meissner Effect of Consciousness and its 
>spiritual Darshan The Dawn of a New Age
>You mentioned Livingston Manor, below. Like I said, they really mind-fucked 
>you, MJ.
>---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :
>that was not the case at MIU - if you didn't work there you don't know shit 
>about what went on there - I gave the facts - deal with it.
> From: "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 
> <>
>Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 11:17 AM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Meissner Effect of Consciousness and its 
>spiritual Darshan The Dawn of a New Age
>Not true, actually. I worked a couple of times for the TMO, and the guvs 
>worked alongside us, in every department. Some of them were snobs, but what 
>else is new? Sounds like they seriously mind-fucked you, MJ. 
>---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :
>If, Nappy, you are referring to J Cowhig, he was one of the TM Sidhi 
>Administrators along with Big Bopper Bevan at my first bloc of the shitties 
>course at Livingston Manor, back when Big Bopper was thin and fit looking. 
>Only time I ever saw him - but I did see his sister who married Hagelin - she 
>worked in the kitchen a few times - they had some bullshit policy that the 
>suit and tie governor crowd was supposed to work in every department - didn't 
>last but about two months, those folk didn't like gettin' their hands wet - I 
>had heard a bunch of stuff about the Cowhig sisters from a gal who worked with 
>them at South Fallsburg - in short, they got to break all the rules and got by 
>with it since their brother was a big shot in the Movement at the time. She 
>was engaged to Hagelin when she was working in the kitchen - sure didn't act 
>like an engaged woman - and that was from direct observation, not innuendo. 
>Just another worthless MIU experience. 
> From: nablusoss1008 <>
>Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 10:20 AM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Meissner Effect of Consciousness and its 
>spiritual Darshan The Dawn of a New Age
>Noone wil obviously sue him as  his mental set-up is way out of proportions. 
>As for old friends I doubt that a gentleman like John would befriend an 
>obviously unstable kitchen-staff with Pitta-imbalance written all over 
>him.---In, <punditster@...> wrote :
>On 8/20/2014 7:02 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>>>>>Michael, you used innuendo to make two very damaging allegations about a 
>>>>>leader of the TMO. I simply asked if you were actually accusing that 
>>>>>person of those allegations. 
>>>>It looks like
                                                          the anonymous
                                                          informant was
                                                          someone of a
                                                          crime but now
                                                          he is backing
                                                          down. Maybe he
                                                          shouold keep
                                                          his big pie
                                                          hole shut and
                                                          stop posting
                                                          and innuendos about 
his old friends.
>>>>On Wednesday, August 20, 2014 6:18 AM, "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... 
>>>>[FairfieldLife]" <> wrote:
>>>>Anyone whose brain cells have not been completely fried by years of TMSP 
>>>>would know I was not accusing anyone of anything.
Nabby's first post was that an unnamed Canadian had gone to the hotel in 
question 20 minutes before the fire broke out and got all the TM people out. 
question was - how could he have known the fire was gonna break out unless he 
set it himself AFTER he got the TM people out. That is the only thing that 
makes any logical sense.
course that is not what happened - the implication Nappy is making is that 
Marshy "cognized" the fact that a fire would break out and sent someone to 
"save" the TM'ers. 
reality if Canadian had run into the hotel and shouted "Everyone get out! There 
is going to be a fire here in 20 minutes!" The hotel management would have had 
him arrested and thrown out. I suspect that even the TM'ers would have thought 
he was unstressing his brains out and ignored him.
>>>>I doubt he would have run in there and shouted "Marshy sez there is gonna 
>>>>be a fire here later! All TM'ers leave now!"
is either something Nabby is making up for the first time or its a bullshit 
rumor made up years ago at the time of the fire. 
way it didn't happen. If Marshy's "cognition" abilities were that great, you 
would think he would have cognized the fact that trying to take over the 
University of the East would have resulted in street demonstrations that caused 
the TM people to get kicked out of the Philippines. 
he was hiding in his own hotel too afraid to show his face and making 
ridiculous schemes to garland the school in Christmas tree lights. He must have 
thought the students were so stupid and simple minded that they would be 
overawed by the Christmas tree lights and immediately embraced a TM lifestyle. 
>>>>From: salyavin808 <>
>>>>Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 2:06 AM
>>>>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Meissner Effect of Consciousness and its 
>>>>spiritual Darshan The Dawn of a New Age
>>>>---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :
it sounds like you're accusing John Cowig of starting that fire. Are you? 
>>>>How would a court see it? If it wasn't just a load of mythologising crap 
>>>>dreamt up by someone in the TMO that is.
>>>>I'm just going to accuse someone, somewhere of bullshitting. If Marshy 
>>>>could see into the future I think the TMO would have worked out a lot 
>>>>On Tuesday, August 19, 2014 4:44 PM, "Michael Jackson mjackson74@...
[FairfieldLife]" <> wrote:
>>>>20 minutes before the fire started??? How the hell did he know it was going 
>>>>to start in 20 minutes unless he started it himself? And wasn't it nice of 
>>>>him to make sure the meditators got out but not the non-meditators?
True age of enlightenment behavior.
>>>>From: nablusoss1008 <>
>>>>Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 5:21 PM
>>>>Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife]
The Meissner Effect of Consciousness and its spiritual Darshan The Dawn of a 
New Age
>>>>"I don’t remember whether anyone died it in, but it was serious. People 
>>>>were clinging to balconies and had to be rescued with fire truck ladders."
>>>>Some non-meditators
were hurt in the fire. Forgot his name, but Maharishis smallish, friendly 
Canadian secretary
rushed into the hotel 20 minutes before the fire started, ran through the 
corridors on all floors and ordered everyone out immediately. All meditators 
got out unhurt.

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