Michael, Michael, just read the words on the screen.  If you wish to imbue some 
meaning that is not there, no one is going to stop you.  No one at this point 
expects you to have any standard of objectivity when it comes to the TMO. 
 Regarding the fact that I do not practice the TMSP, this may again be 
difficult to wrap around your head, but a person's spiritual path can change 
over time.  Just because you discontinue one practice, doesn't mean that you 
disown it.

 In my case, I entered the householder way of life, and so time spent 
exclusively on spiritual pursuits was redirected in other ways.

 And then also, the focus of one's spiritual journey may change from being 
inward directed to more outward directed.

 I perfectly understand that you may have a difficult time with these concepts, 
since they involve nuances, and shades of grey, so to speak.

 I am not sure why you often seem stuck in an either/or mentality.  Sometimes 
an event at a young age can cause one to get stuck at a particular age 

 I'm sure you will take that, as strictly an insult, but it is, as a matter of 
fact, true.

 On the other hand, maybe you consider yourself an exceptionally well adjusted 


 I don't expect any of this to make an impression on you
  • [FairfieldLife]... awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
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        • Re... Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
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