When MMY started on his "give me that old time Veda, give me that old time 
Veda" routine to help return India to an ancient theocracy, etc., I really 
thought he was missing the whole point of his programs.  

Veda had its chance and it obviously blew it because poor old Bharat got 
conquered... a lot.  I guess too many Brahmans were off the program or 

Anyway, I always thought that what was really going on is that Veda is 
infinitely creative and resourceful and always unfolding to each new situation. 
I kept thinking that MMY is missing this. Going backwards to what India once 
had with its Caste System, etc., was and would be a great source of suffering 
in the world and anti-evolutionary.

They way I was seeing the world, thanks to TM and the TM Sidhi programs, was 
that the world needed to move more FORWARD towards science, real science and 
that "through" the window of science" we would see the efficacy of meditation 
in our personal life and in society.  Through science we would dump what was 
anit-evolutionary and causes suffering. 

There is and was too much room for abuse in a theocratically controlled society 
because there are no checks and balances.  It's all "my Vedic way or the 
highway" and " you can't cognize what I cognize, so take my word for it."  

My feeling is that world will write a new Mandala.  The best protection of 
India's Vedic traditions is a secular government.  It allows the market place 
of ideas and spirits to rise up to their populace for selection.  It allows for 
balance and for an airing out of frauds who would otherwise hide in some 
bureacracy somewhere.  We all have been hearing over the decades about the 
cluster-fuck at Jyotir Math with SBS passed on and his succession was 
contentious.  Image that on a national scale with nuclear weapons and armies in 
the hands of  a theocracy.  Show me a benign Vedic dictator and I'll show you a 
blind Vedic subject following him.

Don't get me wrong.  I love MMY and having been a meditator going on 39 years, 
with nothing but praise for my technique.  I think it does many good things.  
Government isn't one of them.

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