---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :
 Curtis, would you be comfortable saying the same words as Nisargadatta below?

 Nisargadatta: You think you are coming and going, passing through various 
states and moods.

M: Bit of a condescending start, but OK.


 I see things as they are, momentary events, presenting themselves to me in 
rapid succession, deriving their being from me, yet definitely neither me nor 

M: Again with the guru presumption, but let's look beyond that opener. I do not 
believe that the phrase "deriving their being from me" is either accurate or 
even really comprehensible. He seems to be going the long way around just 
saying he notices things he experiences.

Among phenomena I am not one, nor subject to any.

M: Not sure what he is going for here. Maybe he is saying he is a bachelor who 
feels differently at different times and doesn't have a wife to call him on his 


I am independent so simply and totally, that your mind, accustomed to 
opposition and denial, cannot grasp it.

M: My only reaction to such a statement would be to F'off you pretentious 
douchbag. If he can't even grasp that he is coming off as an A hole I don't 
hold out much hope that he has the secrets of the universe or how our minds 


 N:I mean literally what I say; I do not need oppose, or deny, because it is 
clear to me that I cannot be the opposite or denial of anything.

M: World salad that breaks down if look at each word and their meanings. 


 N: I am just beyond, in a different dimension altogether.

M: Sure you are buddy. Now finish your vintage Zima and please get out of my 
face back to your own dimension.

 Do not look for me in identification with, or opposition to something: I am 
where desire, and fear are not.

M: Check please. Jesus when did this joint overrun by hipster poseurs? Another 
nice club goes the way of gentrification and becomes the place you give in 
directions as a reference point to going somewhere else! Turn right at the club 
with all the guys with bicycle powered Ipads...

Hey Edg, 
I hope that was not too douchy on my part but that is really how it all strikes 
me. I am just not willing to assume that someone has a higher perspective 
because the assume it. He didn't say anything I couldn't have gotten from a 
Kahlil Gibran  poster from the 70's.

I am certainly open to the idea that I could just be an unenlightened cretin 
who doesn't recognize wisdom when it is presented to me but why does he have to 
deliver it the same way Professor Snape would at Hogworts?



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