Bingo! You hit the nail on the head ! He's thinking ,short term, of his image 
and campaign promises, not the good of the country or world. He's shirking his 
responsibilty and his place in history is going to take a hard hit. The longer 
a cancer grows and spreads, the harder it is to get rid of and at greater cost. 
The *cancer* was in serious remition, however, he elected to stop treatment and 
it's back .... worse than ever.< I know, I know, it's Bush's fault for invading 
Iraq in the first place, right? Ask yourself, what would Saddam being doing  
right now, with his mortal enemy, Iran, building a nuke right next door. An 
Islamic nuclear weapons race is the last think the world needs. I'm just 

On Friday, September 19, 2014 9:10 PM, " [FairfieldLife]" 
<> wrote:


It appears that Obama wants the other Arab nations in the Middle East to put 
their troops in Iraq to defeat ISIS.  This strategy may not world since these 
nations don't want to spend their own money and their troops for a campaign  
that might last for years.

IMO,  Obama is just waiting it out until a new president in the US is elected 
to take over this problem.  But in the meantime, he will not send any American 
troops back in that troubled land.


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