Charlie also went very clearly on record that Marshy "teaching" the siddhis was 
a mistake

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" <>
Sent: Friday, October 3, 2014 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A Charlie Lutes audio 'The Highest Teaching'

Seems Charlie Lutes was older and adult when
he was around TM.  He evidently was around spirituality before
meeting Maharishi.  He obviously came along a longer path than many
of us college aged who early started TM during the popular time of TM
movement in the late 60's and early  70's.  He was quite a
spokesperson for Knowledge.  Seems leaders now themselves don't tend
to have this kind of depth in spiritual ethic and value where they
can step out of a box and draw and quote across traditions to lead
and argue for the position Lutes does in this talk.  Current TM seems
to have pulled back in to a canned material and can seem tame and
unable to call out on people for spiritual activism this way Charlie
Lutes is doing. -Buck

Wow, what a soldier of the Truth.
Advanced lecture?  Fundamental TM.  Old style call,  plain and straight
prosecution of the goal: This is what we are about, Take stock of
Charlie Lutes:
The Highest Teaching is Transcendental Meditation as taught by certified 
      The Highest Teaching is Transcendental Meditation ... 
It's not enough to be given the highest teaching on Earth. What do we do with 
it? Persevere. Morning and Evening, twice a day devotion to our meditation as 
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You added the tag-line 'as taught by certified teachers'.  He did not say that 
in the lecture.  

punditster wrote :

Subject: Charles F. Lutes - a tribute
Author: John Manning
Forum: alt.meditation.transcendental 
Date: December, 5, 2002
Google Groups

   Google Groups 
Google Groups allows you to create and participate in online forums and 
email-based groups with a rich experience for community conversations.  
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I never heard a complete Charlie Lutes lecture before. He was always considered 
off the program and ostracized by straight TM. This is pretty hardcore TM. I 
take great heart from this lecture. How did he fall out of favor?

TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] wrote:

added the tag-line 'as taught by certified teachers'.  He did
not say that in the lecture.       
>>Typical TM True Believer posturing
and misinformation from "mail_uzer" -- Charlie died
years before there was even such a thing as "certified"
TM teachers. And anyone who knew him knows that had
"recertification" happened during in his lifetime and
been demanded of him, Charlie would have died before
submitting to it. He would have considered it an
insult...and he would have been correct. 
>Non sequitur. Charles F. Lutes was not a TM Teacher, certified or
not. He was a businessman, an executive of SRM, speaker, and
certified by MMY as a TM Guide.All TM Teachers were
certified by MMY. Charles Lutes was the first TMer in the USA in
1959. For many years the only TM Teacher in the US was Beaulah

added the tag-line 'as taught by certified teachers'.  He did
not say that in the lecture.       
>>Typical TM True Believer posturing
and misinformation from "mail_uzer" -- Charlie died
years before there was even such a thing as "certified"
TM teachers. And anyone who knew him knows that had
"recertification" happened during in his lifetime and
been demanded of him, Charlie would have died before
submitting to it. He would have considered it an
insult...and he would have been correct. 
>Non sequitur. Charles F. Lutes was not a TM Teacher, certified or
not. He was a businessman, an executive of SRM, speaker, and
certified by MMY as a TM Guide.All TM Teachers were
certified by MMY. Charles Lutes was the first TMer in the USA in
1959. For many years the only TM Teacher in the US was Beaulah
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