On 10/9/2014 4:28 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
*From:* salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

Sometimes I think that Maharishi's "greatest accomplishment" should be listed as having taken so many at-one-time-fairly-intelligent people and, over time, turned them into weak-minded, gullible idiots like jr_esq, Share, srijau, Lawson, and others we see from time to time here on FFL. These people will believe *anything* if 1) they're told that Maharishi or some other Seller Of Woo Woo believed in it, and 2) it makes them feel more self-important and 'special' for believing it.

The stuff they believe doesn't need to be reasonable, it doesn't need to follow the laws of physics or chemistry, and it doesn't depend on any kind of evidence. In fact, when presented with evidence that proves their belief to be nonsense, they believe even more strongly. Truly an accomplishment...

Yes indeed, something to be proud of.

The sad thing is that he (Maharishi) *would* actually be proud of it. He'd think of it as the triumph of faith. He'd smile and tell the story of Trotakacharya again. :-)
/The sad thing is that he (Rama) was doing the heavy lifting, while TurqB sat on //his bum and tried to hop. Go figure./

/"The person levitating or flying through the air was a guy named
Frederick Lenz, who also called himself Rama.

What I'm talking about is slowly lifting up off the sofa and sitting
in midair for two to three minutes. Or stepping up off the ground in
the desert and then flying around several feet above the ground for
a while."


I first came across it when attending a "coherence" day at the local academy (where I later lived) we were in the garden on a starry night and looking around the night sky and I was pointing out various things of interest like which planets were which and how far the nearest galaxy is when this purusha guy turned to me and said "And just think it's all consciousness". What's troubling is it was said with an intimation that it was an improvement or a superior explanation to "just" thinking that the universe is made of energy and stuff.

It worries me because scientific and religious explanations don't mix very well but the quantum crowd think they've found a way of fitting the one into the other, or at least blinding people with enough abstract concepts so they think the two things belong together.

It does annoy me too because people, like John, seem genuinely interested in physics and the sort of things it explains really well and the amazing discoveries and concepts of cosmology. But with this training in vedic beliefs he gets from the TMO he doesn't have a way of grading the knowledge for quality.

Exactly. The *only* measure of "quality" he seems to employ is "If it agrees with what I've been told to believe...then it is good, and correct." The most disturbing thing about John (jr_esq, not Hagelin, but him, too) is that they no longer even *realize* how non-scientific they've become when they spout what they now believe is "science." Put either of them in a room with real scientists and let them express the things they believe in, and the real scientists would have them pegged as crackpots within five minutes. After 20 minutes, the real scientists would running for the door, so as not to be stuck in a room with a crazy person any longer.

There are only two types of explanation, good ones and bad ones. Consciousness in this context seems like a bad one because (like god) it actually explains nothing, adds nothing useful and in fact, adds a layer of complexity where it isn't needed...

Exactly. Almost without exception, all of their theories about how the universe works are more complex than the real scientific explanations. It's like they've become proponents of the Anti-Occam's Razor Principle.

...because consciousness is a /thing/ in this theory, a field of pure awareness and intelligence. All of these things imply a direction to creation and evolution that it doesn't seem to have. And it obviously requires another explanation beyond the equations describing quantum behaviour, and it would be an explanation along the lines of intelligence processing etc. Bit of a tall order for something we can't even measure!

It's OK for John Hagelin to believe that this is the case but he shouldn't start his lectures without a major caveat to the effect that he's trying to fit what he knows of physics into an ancient belief system and that no one else agrees with him. Apart from the other yagya pedlars on the conference circuit obviously.

In this sense, Hagelin is actually closer to the role that Charlie Lutes played within the TM movement than anything else. Charlie used to pepper his talks with all sorts of esoteric crap that he'd learned from his days studying Western Mysticism. Which would have been fine, except that he didn't *present* it that way. He implied that everything he was saying came from Maharishi, and was therefore part of Maharishi's teachings. Hagelin does the same thing with his own crackpot theories, presenting them as if they were real science, when they're not.

The thing I see in people like jr_esq, Jim, srijau, Share, and Nabby (not to mention Hagelin and Tony Nader) is that in their supposed "quest for knowledge" their minds seem to turn off the instant they hear (or think up) an "explanation" or conspiracy theory that makes them go "Woooooo." It's an emotional thang IMO. They "seek knowledge" until they find something that agrees with what they've already been told to believe and thus gives them an endorphin rush of self-importance. At that point their minds shut down and stop functioning. Just think of the way that jr_esq keeps trotting out a medieval "proof" of God's existence that has been discredited for hundreds of years. The moment he heard it, and found something that he could consider "proof" of what he already wanted to believe, he stopped listening to anything else.

I tend to believe that Faith is synonymous with Willful Ignorance.

The moment you decide that you "know" the "truth" of something, that is the point at which you stop looking for deeper truths and being open to new information.

*From:* salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Thursday, October 9, 2014 8:11 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Are Aliens too Distant for Contact?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jr_esq@...> wrote :


If you believe that the universe is based in consciousness,

I don't. That's the problem, just "believing" stuff about the universe and hoping you can find enough things to justify beliefs you have already decided are true without any evidence is no way to go about learning what's going on.

The idea that thoughts are entangled quantumly with the rest of the universe is nonsense, classical information - that which can distinguish one thing from another - cannot get entangled and therefore can't be transmitted.

then our thoughts are somehow "entangled" in a quantum sense with the rest of the universe. So, it is possible to communicate telepathically with other sentient beings instantaneously in our galaxy or with the rest of the universe.

I'm sure that if it was possible we'd be able to do it here, probably wouldn't even need this internet thingy in the way. As it is we appear separate from each other.

There used to be a question similar to the following: if a tree fell in a forest of an earth-like planet 1,000 light years away from us, would it make a sound? My answer is yes, because consciousnes is present there and everywhere else in the universe. And, somehow our own consciousness is linked--or entangled--with that universel consciousness.

I think you'll find that sound is pressure waves in the atmosphere, sure it needs our consciousness to interpret what is going on but it will make whatever sound it makes whether anyone is there or not. Or whether the universe is conscious or not.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jr_esq@...> wrote :


That's a good question. We may not get any message back at all since the radio waves are relatively slow in comparison to the large distances involved in the scale of the Milky Way and the entire universe. Also, the earth-like planets near us may not have any advanced civilizations like ours. Or, that their living beings are still in the microbial, plant or animal stages.

My point is that, if there are any advanced human-like civilizations in the Milk Way, they would be communicating with us telepathically or through lucid dreams. For example, a few years ago, there was a psychic here on FFL who posted that he was able to communicate telepathically with another being from the Pleaides star system. I believe Rick knows the guy who also lives in Fairfield, Iowa.

OK, the first problem is: why would telepathic waves travel faster than light? Or rather, how could they travel faster than light? And that's forgetting the obvious question of brains being not all that strong compared to, say, Jodrell bank radio telescope! So the send/receive function is going to be a bit limited.

The other big problem is that the Pleaides system is pretty much the last place you will find life in our galaxy, a bunch of very young white-hot supergiant stars. Life of any organic type aint happening there, or anywhere close.

That's typical of science, always spoiling people's fun. UFO contactees used to say they'd met beings from Venus or Mars until the harsh reality of the climate on those worlds drove their imaginary aliens away to the outer planets first and then on to more distant star systems. Not sure why the Pleaides got chosen as a home for the Space Brothers. They do look nice though, especially through a telescope as you can still see the blue nebulae that the stars formed out of.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <s3raphita@...> wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

Yes, probably so, if the means of communication is through light or radio waves.

I enjoyed that moment in the movie Contact where the first TV signal that aliens would have received from Earth was Hitler's speech at the 1936 Olympics. The idea has since been dismissed by scientists as it seems that the transmission signal was very low powered so is unlikely to be picked out amongst all the background radiation in space. But what will their first Earth TV signal be? I Love Lucy? Baywatch? American Idol? Perhaps the best hope is that it's some global warming/ecological doom-laden documentary so that the aliens conclude it's not worth wasting time invading our dying planet.

As such, the speed of communication is limited by the speed of light. But it is theoretically possible to contact ETs through telepathic means or lucid dreaming.

Why? Because consciousness pervades the entire universe. So, communication through consciousness is faster than the speed of light. IMO, the Srimad Bhagavatam has given us clues of this type of communication in the story relating to Urvasi, the heavenly apsara. She supposedly can be found taking a bath in the region near the Pleiades, which is placed in beginning degrees of Taurus.

From my experience, everyone--perhaps, more so for males--can see Urvasi through lucid dreaming when the Moon is transiting the 3rd quarter of Krittika nakshatra. She appears as a beautiful female during a dream.

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