On 10/23/2014 10:36 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Two travelers are on a road, looking for Ixtlan.
They ask a passing bird for directions.
He gives them, then flies off.
Do the travelers go in the direction he pointed them to, or not?
Whatever their choice, do they ever get to Ixtlan?
However long their journey, did they ever leave it?
/This little story by Carlos Castaneda is almost straight out of South Asian mythology. Apparently Castaneda got almost all of his inspiration from reading books in the UCLA library. This is supposed to be Yaqui philosophy - but everyone knows that the native American inhabitants all migrated over from Asia. So it's not surprising to see ancient Siberian shamanic notions in Yaqui mythology. //
/*/Buddha's Parable of the Raft:/*/
//Without a ferry or a bridge you can safely cross over a river on a raft.//
//The purpose of the raft is to cross over to the other side.
If you don't have a raft you can build one and use it to cross over.
Once you have crossed over, you can discard the raft.
You would look funny walking around with a raft on your head."//
/*/Zen Koan the Gateless Gate:/*/
//There is a long, winding spiritual path to get to the gate.
You must pass through the gate in order to get to the other side.
Once you pass through, you find that there is no path, no going, no gate, and no other side.
So, we call it the "gateless" gate.



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