At least you can avoid purple to fit in. I've had booking agents tell me that 
my act is a harder sell because I am white! Skin melanin as artistic street 
cred, who knew?

---In, <> wrote :

 When I was trying to make a living doing "art," I met "real artists" who were 
so artistically superior that I was ashamed to present my stuff -- and yet most 
could not make a living selling their art.   At one time I was in three 
galleries and never came close to selling enough to "cut it." I met one guy who 
had major works in many museums and still couldn't sell enough to quit his day 

And the gallery owners are all about the money.  I had one tell me, as he 
looked at one of my canvases, "Oh, I couldn't sell this.  Purple never sells."  

Try to use purple after that.  The true artist is up against such a wall of 

Each one is like a preacher on a stump in the public square -- speaking an 
unknown dialect.

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