Progress is based on how much the individual is able to challenge his individual karma which to varying degree is resisting change. Every Teacher knows you can't just push a button and then all of a sudden you are alright. Maharishi said that inspiring stuff to inspire, not that he for a minute believed it was possible for everyone knowing how much internal resistence there can be in a student. Same With Yogananda, same with all Teachers. Progress is the responsebility of the individual, not the Teacher. Blaming the teacher just expose an immature soul.
On 11/2/2014 6:58 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Given that he never said any of that, how do you know that's what he thought?

A good teacher would make it part of the teaching.

I think you're making excuses using things you've picked up from elsewhere, just like Willytex does below. It's OK, I know why you do it, you are trying to preserve an idea you like and excuse why it doesn't work for others while simultaneously giving yourself a pat on the back for being so advanced you have no internal resistance.
/Apparently you are not an educator - every teacher knows that it's the student that is supposed to complete the lessons and pass the test. A teacher gives you the tools - it's up to the student to do the work//. A really good teacher will inspire the student to surpass the teacher in knowledge and achievement. In any case, you're not supposed to stay in school your entire life. At a certain point most students graduate. Go figure. //

"A teaching is given on one level of consciousness; it is received on quite another." - MMY
//Unless your karma is such that you are fortunate enough to meet a master yogi who is gifted with "shaktipat", in which case their is instant "vidya". In that case, all you have to do is deal with through "guru yoga". Good luck./

Besides, I don't care about any of it, I do TM because I like it not because I believe any of the hocus pocus cosmic intelligence nonsense. I've seen and heard enough to be able to give a good account of what TM is and what it can do.

---In, <> wrote :

---In, <> wrote :

/ The anger and self-loathing the naysayers have is based on that. /


/It doesn't trouble you that Willytex is talking complete and utter bollocks as usual? Why can't you follow your own arguments?/


/Not having much progress after years of practise is based on how their brains are wired and general karma. /


So the technique isn't as effective as claimed? If everyone thinks that, why do you get annoyed when someone points it out?


/Then they blame the teacher for their misery and end up using an internet forum to vent their anger. What a joke. /


Misery? It's the people with sense of internal logical consistency I feel sorry for round here.

"//If you were still a devotee after all that time, striving for something you already had, I would honestly think that it was maybe you that had a serious mental condition."//


That we are already enlightened isn't Marshy's teaching, that's just Willy's make believe to excuse his own lack of evolution. You guys ought to own the knowledge and stop contradicting yourselves all the time. Steve even thinks that he isn't the same as me and MJ even though he doesn't believe it all either!

When was the last time a True Believer made sense round here? Go figure...

---In, <punditster@...> wrote :

On 10/31/2014 5:15 PM, salyavin808 wrote:


    I was angry, because I honestly thought that someone in his
    condition should not be allowed to appear like that in public
    without help or any sort of explanation, what were they thinking
    over in Vlodrop?
    //Over here in the USA, your prejudice is called "ageism" and it
    is unlawful. Everyone is free tor say whatever they want,
    regardless of their age. /The real question is not what were they
    thinking over in Vlodrop - the question is, what were you thinking
    watching Maharishi videos after twenty years of not getting the
    /You still sound angry - probably because you didn't get
    enlightened in 5-7 years, or even 20.
    / >
    ////If you were still a devotee after all that time, striving for
    something you already had, I would honestly think that it was
    maybe you that had a serious mental condition.///

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