The ultimate goal in Tibetan dream yoga is to “apprehend the dream” (attain 
conscious awareness) then dissolve the dream state. When you are deprived of 
physical stimulus (from the sleeping body) and conceptual stimulus (from the 
dreaming mind), you can observe the purest form of conscious awareness.
      From: nablusoss1008 <>
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 7:19 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lucid-dreaming query

Lucid dreaming is the innoscent play of the sub-conscious. That anyone place 
such importance to this to the extent one would spend time practising 
"Tibetan-dream-yoga" is a desperate cry for real knowledge.

---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote :

It's funny when you are having that lucidity in a dream and you look at the 
characters you are interacting with and think to yourself "You people are just 
a creation of my fancy" but said characters don't bat an eyelid and just get on 
with their roles!
My lucid dream last night was also pleasant. And I had the thought that I could 
awake myself and see my familiar bedroom anytime I wished - which I assume was 
indeed the case.

---In, <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :

When I have had a lucid dream, with the same caveats - spontaneous, no 
techniques or anything, uncommon, I always find what is unfolding, so 
compelling, that it doesn't occur to me to want to change direction, or look at 
my left foot, or whatever. I am always drawn along, usually pleasantly, by the 
events I am watching and somehow participating in, and just let it go along. I 
suppose if I had them often, I might want to explore more about them. 

---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote :

So last night I had a lucid experience while dreaming (it's happened a few 
times before - always involuntary as I've never bothered to follow the 
"techniques" recommended by devotees of this perception). At least I assume it 
was a lucid-dream experience - I suppose one could have a normal dream which 
included the false thought that one was lucid when in fact one wasn't (if you 
can follow that explanation). What's more, I woke up (for real), mused about 
the dream for a minute, then fell asleep again and immediately went back into 
the same dream landscape in the same self-conscious, lucid state.
Now I'd heard that when in a lucid dream you can alter the "dreamscape" to suit 
yourself. So you might find it amusing to flip over into being a Zero pilot on 
a kamikaze mission and diving into the Golden Dome in Fairfield. Whatever 
floats your boat. Anyway, though I was lucidly self-aware that I was indeed 
dreaming I couldn't change the story narration unfolding before me so just left 
the dream to run its course while absorbing the novel experience.
My question is: is there some trick to getting the dream to change to suit your 
whim or is it a case of practice makes perfect? Or maybe most lucid dreams are 
like mine? Or maybe my will power is feeble compared with my imaginative power 
and others have a more dominant will?
Anyone had a similar experience?
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