Richard, I tried this last night but didn't notice anything different. Maybe 
cuz I didn't sit up in bed when I did it? And I forgot to do it this morning. 
Nonetheless, will soldier on, thanks again for posting.

      From: "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 8:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Lucid-dreaming query
     On 11/15/2014 5:22 PM, s3raphita wrote:
 So last night I had a lucid experience while dreaming (it's happened a few 
times before - always involuntary as I've never bothered to follow the 
"techniques" recommended by devotees of this perception). At least I assume it 
was a lucid-dream experience - I suppose one could have a normal dream which 
included the false thought that one was lucid when in fact one wasn't (if you 
can follow that explanation). What's more, I woke up (for real), mused about 
the dream for a minute, then fell asleep again and immediately went back into 
the same dream landscape in the same self-conscious, lucid state. Now I'd heard 
that when in a lucid dream you can alter the "dreamscape" to suit yourself. So 
you might find it amusing to flip over into being a Zero pilot on a kamikaze 
mission and diving into the Golden Dome in Fairfield. Whatever floats your 
boat. Anyway, though I was lucidly self-aware that I was indeed dreaming I 
couldn't change the story narration unfolding before me so just left the dream 
to run its course while absorbing the novel experience. My question is: is 
there some trick to getting the dream to change to suit your whim or is it a 
case of practice makes perfect? Or maybe most lucid dreams are like mine? Or 
maybe my will power is feeble compared with my imaginative power and others 
have a more dominant will? 
 The trick is to practice a Laya Yoga technique we learned from Satyanand: 
 When you are ready for sleep you just sit up in bed and then let your bija 
mantra rest at the heart chakra for a few minutes. That way, the subtle 
currents from your Istadevata will permeate your entire being while you sleep. 
 For example, my Istadevata is Saraswati, the Goddess of Learning, so by 
resting the bija portion of her mantra at the heart chakra, my intelligence 
will grow by leaps and bounds, right while I'm sleeping. 
 Then, when you awaken in the morning you will feel refreshed and full of 
energy and knowledge. It's that simple!
 Anyone had a similar experience? 
 Yes. A lucid dream is a dream in which the sleeper is aware that he or she is 
dreaming. From what I've read, the phenomenon of lucid dreaming has been well 
established by scientific research, so its existence is well established. 
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