
It would be in vain to deny that emotion has not influenced this cogent post, since the recent tragedy that has befallen us. So, I dedicate it to all seekers, aspirants, and thinkers, yet, bear me witness, it is intended only to divert a few reflective readers, who have good sense, and good humor enough to laugh not only at their follies, but at their own feeble existence.

/Disclaimer: //*STOP!* //What you read here may be disturbing; if you have any spiritual sensibilities please go no further./

Yet, I know how disagreeable it is to make use of the thinking process, so it is with much concern that I attempt here to report on a subject which is quite shocking, even to the ways of this Good Fellow, and which describes some rather difficult terms. It is obvious that our minds perceive reality as a divine Polarity, a division of nature into good and evil.

In Truth, there is only One, that is, /Unity Consciousness/, where duality ceases to hold sway.

Some readers here will already be familiar with my obsession with smooth things, i.e. cargo cults, tantric cults involving sexual thaumaturgy, deviate cults, and cults with supposed access to the Axis Mundi or Materia Mater.

That is, the abject physical objects which man deems worthy of highest veneration, e.g. up-rights, ridge-poles, cave holes, trees, stones, fire fetishes, and various and sundry man made structures of wood or brick in which is housed, within the holy, the grotesque likeness of the demi-urge, who raped man's ability to reason, when the demi-urge, by force of arms, expelled Eve from the Garden, off Eden Street, that is, east of the Indus, because Eve had read from the Book of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and had rejected it, in favor of the Staff of Hermes, or Life.

The psychological reasons for man's obsession with these profane objects, and the propensity to wage war in the cause of their preservation and worship, will not be examined here, for obvious reasons. I wish only to describe the very basic attributes of these idols used in holy ritual; the reader may be left to his or her own interpretations as to the relevance of such objects and their use, and their religious implications for war and peace.

The Body of the Report:

Part I: Arabia, Omphali and the Black Stone of Sheba.

/"By Allah, I know you are but a stone, but I saw the prophet kiss you." -/Omar Ibn al-Khattab, the second Caliph of Islam

1. The sacred center of the universe of Arabia is termed 'Omphali' by Arabs, from the prakrit mantra 'Om' and 'phal', meaning the 'Omphalos' of the Great Goddess, that is, Omphalo, the female 'generative' organ, i.e. the vulva of Mother Nature, the direct counterpart to the phalas of the Great Sky God, i.e. Omphalus, that is, the Phalus, linga, the upright generative organ of man, thus the Axis Mundi and Mother Goddess as the sacred ridge pole set into a splayed base of the physical universe, divine, worthy of worship, a black stone from heaven, a sign of connection to the Most High, that is, Hecate, the inventor of human sex and procreation.

2. One of the best known deviate cults concerns the fetish of the black stone at Mecca, revered by Musclemen, in which a cube i.e. a Ka'ba, which means the same, stands inside the Great Mosque. Reportedly to be about fifty feet high and covered with a black cloth, the actual sacred rock is set into the EASTERN corner of the structure, which stands in the center of a great courtyard.

There the devout circumnabulate, in a counter-clockwise direction, mumbling the nick-names of their Goddess, and fingering beads, wearing one seamless cloth with no underwear, and with a rag wrapped around their heads, thus the individual symbolizing the cock-head of God.

3. Apparently, the actual fetish is inside the cube structure, and only about two feet of the actual object is visible, that part being of highly polished black meteorite material, set in an elaborate silver mounting, all, as said before, under the shawl of a black cloth, it too elaborately decorated.

Thus sits the Great Vulva of the Arabic Goddess, now referred to as the 'hand' of Allah, upon which it is incumbent on EVERY Muscleman, at least once in this life, to go to Mecca and to kneel and kiss reverently, the very tip of the black stone. Women of course are not allowed inside ANY mosque, let alone with the city limits of Mecca during the Haj.

4. The sacred object, the vulva of stone, is central, no pun intended, to the understanding of the ironic fact that the misogynic Muscleman religion originated as the worship of the Goddess in the form of base, perverse temple prostitution.

This proclivity of man, but not of woman, that is, the worship of the female vulva as the primordial material witness of generative power and creation, the symbols of which were placed in niches, or in domed buildings, in which the object was sheltered for worship.

Sometimes in the open, sometimes under cover of darkness, from the prakrit word 'bethel' meaning 'the house of god' where betel juice and hallucinogenic herbs such as hashish and opium were consumed in great quantities.

5. Arabian domed temples are the evidence themselves of an ancient religion of godess worship, Q're being the Ka'ba itself, unchanged since the time of Mo' Hammered, who was born in 570 CE into the tribe of Q'trash, a tribe who worshipped the cult of the goddess Q're and were the sworn guardians of her shrine.

By his own account Mo' Hammered was driven out of Mecca by his own tribe because he insisted on the deviant worship of the one phalus of Allah. Pre-islamic worship of the goddess consisted of a triple demi-urge, similar to the Greek lunar dieties, with each aspect corresponding to the phases of the moon, later called the 'daughters of Allah'.

6. The Ka'ba was served by seven priestesses, who circled the fetish seven times, one time for each of the seven planets, in a counterclockwise direction, in total nudity, for the men to see, thus symbolizing the goddess as the giver of sex, e.g. the physical symbols of the generative powers, the lingam and yoni of Mother India, worshipped with fervor, proof positive of the influence of early tantric religion and its effect on the religions of Persia and Arabia,

A cult now so perverse as to be almost unrecognizable from the original Dravidian version. Apparently, it was the Mo' Hammered who decreed that henceforth all the women should be covered, and that the orientation of the Ka'ba should face east, toward South India.

In order to accomplish this, he apparently cut off the heads of all the Jews, took control of the rock, and the shrine, reset the stone to a new orientation, and then married an old lady hag who owned a Camel lot down the street, thus entering into his very own perverted idea of a local Camelot.

7. Abraham, unable to produce a son by his wife Sarah, came to Mecca in order to have sex upon the rock with his slave Hagar. It is unclear from reading the Catholic Bible whether Abraham actualy copulated on the rock with Hagar, or whether Abraham inserted the rock into the vulva of Hagar, or all of the above and more that was kept secret. However, it is clear that some form of sexual deviate behavior was being perpetrated upon Hagar by her master old Abraham, and that this perversion involved the cult of the fetish black rock of Mecca and sexual intercourse, and the birth of Abraham's bastard son, Ishmael, the ancestor of all Arab peoples.

8. When Mo' Hammered wanted to replace the worship of the Goddess Al'Lut, that is, 'Allways a Slut' with 'Allah' that is, the 'All Ass Up Everyone', he knew that he must conquer the gaurdians of the black stone, i.e. the priests of the shrine who called themselves the 'Shebah' or the 'Boys of the Great Queen of Sheba' i.e. the 'men' [sic] of the Goddess Q're, that is, the men who are fond of boys, not girls, but who at the same time, perversely worship the black stone vulva, recorded in the book called the Q'ran, a manual of the War God of rapine and booty.


The Walla finds the above information to be extremely shocking and repugnant as written, and the reader may forgive this humble Walla, if it seems that the Walla is averse to all spiritual pursuits and self-culture, singling out one cult from all others. Say it is not so! For the Walla is simply upset that the Musclemen came into India and cut off the heads of all the Buddhist meditators.

Thus setting back Heaven on Earth a full 1000 years, in a holocaust genocide of epic proportions, murdering millions and millions of Hindus in the process, in the name of Allah, the Merciful. And, beause in reality, Pakistan, Afganistan, Tajikistan, Uzebekistan, and ALL the territority surrounding Kashmere including the Gobi, is sacred INDIAN land. Not for nothing did we find enormous standing Buddhas at Bamiyan!

And because of karma, the Tail Bammers must be isolated, and due to causation, i.e. karma, the dope head pushing clerics will get what is coming to them along with 'some other Ben Ladens' [sic].

While even today the faithful rag heads circle the Ka'ba, and revoltingly kiss the hideous black stone to a man [sic], and sweat and rub their noses in the hot sand, and lie by denying complicity in the hate crimes, and the fact of the rock's pitiful origin, and extremists and terrorists of this perverse religion destroying the World's Trade Center.

It is indeed ironic that our President recently visited a replica of the above infamous edifice, a tribute to what length some men will go to protect the freedom to worship whatever mundane implements of reproduction one wants to, but futile considering the documented history of the sect. Not for nothing do they call the members of the cult 'musclemen'.

If this Walla seems confused on this issue, that is, whether to sit quietly while someone chops off his head, or to stand up and fight by kicking like hell, you should empathize with him, because this one problem may provide the key to actual realization of the Truth.

One thing remains very clear, that to imbue the relative nature of change and matter, with the nature of permanent meaning and symbolism, taking a stone, or a golden dome, or a tall stack of bricks to be of ultimate nature, and thinking that Truth could possibly be contained in icons of flesh, metal, wood, or cardboard, and killing and warring in the name of a religion represented in the generative organs, a lock of hair, or the unfortunate roll of the dice by a Mr. Pandhu, is wrong.

So, it seems to this fellow's way of thinking, that it would be much more fitting for the mind of man to 're-direct' rational conscious attention to meditation that is transcendental, to the Source of our Being, and to direct our actions to the Realization of Causation, the why and wherefore of action and re-action in this world, rather than to holy wars in support of Q'ubes, Q'abs, Q'rans, or Queens of Sheba.

The cause of war is man's ignorant rigid fixation on ideology, that is, 'idea theology', writ large in idolatry and dogma, not art, a fruitless pursuit of the base in the baseless, a pursuit which is itself base, rigid, and of no lasting value.

Thank you for indulging me, and I apologize if this offends anyone's faith in stones; it was not meant to be addressed to anyone in particular, only to those 'men' fixed in their views, the enemies of a free-thinking and open society.

However, in the 'spirit' of the times this fellow also notes that the Fighting Shiva Babas, the Jews, the Crusaders, the Gurkhas, and the Sikhs, all real men, are 'with us' in our holy war against the terrorists and their sympathizers.

With all this support, naturally I think we can kill all the bastards!

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