This looks like a good libel case against Dunham, if he chooses to bring one. As noted earlier, /"Rolling Stone magazine has backed off from its blockbuster story about an alleged gang rape at the University of Virginia..."/

'A Bad Week for Rape Culture'

'Rolling Stone apologizes for 'discrepancies' in UVA rape story'

/"Worse, it is increasingly clear that Rolling Stone is not only indulging in one of the most high-profile examples of rape apology in recent memory, but that it is also keen to blame the victim. In its retraction, the outfit squarely places the responsibility for the mistake on Jackie herself --- a classic move."/

National Review:
It's beginning to look like the news posted by MJ has some cracks in it (no pun intended). Although I used to read Rolling Stone and I was around when Jann Wenner founded the mag, I've always thought it was just a groupie rag. And Jan's editorial policy and his rejection of legalizing cannabis caused me to cancel my subscription, it looks like it's over for RS. There no credibility in it now.

Rolling Stone apologizes for 'discrepancies' in UVA rape story:

/"Journalists who contemplate such matters are now wondering whether the incredible Rolling Stone story about the gang rape of a University of Virginia student is just that: not credible."/

Is the UVA Rape Story a Gigantic Hoax?

'Rolling Stone whiffs in reporting on alleged rape'

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