From: salyavin808 <>
---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote :

Anyone got anything positive to say about this book? I did read it but found it 
rather dreary. It fails as poetry and it fails as mystical literature. Am I 
missing something?
I remember liking it when I heard Marshy's recital on a rounding course. But I 
was loved up at the time and the prevailing emotional mood might have coloured 
my opinion.
I didn't get anything out of this video, it makes my teeth ache. 
Will there be any heavy metal in the Age of Enlightenment? What sort of Heaven 
on Earth would it be without my Judas Priest and Motorhead albums?
I'm pretty sure that Judas Priest and Motorhead will have been taken out by 
Buck-authorized drone strikes, and will have been replaced on the Top Ten with 
the recorded mooing of cows and Ghadarva Veda music. 

I have discussed this with TM teachers and opinion divides between: By the time 
we get there we will be so evolved and refined we won't want to hear it any 
And the much more preferable: Of course, all expression of music are 
expressions of the Ved and will have their place. But the guy who said that was 
a jazz musician and hated the AofE music as much as I do. 
Because cows figure so prominently in the Vedas, I'm pretty sure that in the 
AofE the very term will be changed to "moo-sic."

The fact that MMY's other books (which do have something to recommend them) 
Science of Being and Art of Living and On the Bhagavad-Gita were mainly penned 
by his ghost writers is perhaps ominous. But Love and God seems to have been 
composed by His Holiness himself. 
TBG felt to me like he was trying to cram his theories into a story where they 
don't belong. If you read the verses on their own you get a different idea of 
what the story is all about. And the technique for gaining enlightenment it 
describes doesn't remind me of TM at all!
Exactly. At its heart, the Gita is the story of Doing What You're Told By Your 
Superiors, no matter what your own sense of discrimination and honor tell you. 

SoB,AoL is just scary fundamentalism and probably dangerous with things like 
its dismissal of all psychiatric help in favour of TM. 

Back before MIU Press moved away from L.A., they were actually discussing 
"pulling it back" and editing out all the parts that were proving legally 
challenging for them. 

When I got rid of my TM books down at Oxfam I left it at home in case some one 
read it and believed it. I think the TMO would be better off rewriting it based 
on the actual experiences of meditators rather than the hyperbolic madness of 
Maharshi's vision of the intended goal.
IYou're not suggesting those two things are different, are you? Here, Rick 
Stanley adds some genuine feeling to Maharishi's 

Blimey, TM videos are weird, what are all those people sitting in the 
background supposed to represent?
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