I guess I'm not the only one seeing the disparity in tone between Jim's posts 
on The Peak and his post on FFL


 Cardozy and his insults have been deleted. Know thy audience.
 Yes, I said all of those things, in context, as a well provoked response on 
FFL. I took serious offense at what was being said, and responded in kind. 
 I began this forum as an alternative to the cesspit over there, and plan to 
keep it that way. If anyone has any further questions, let's get them out of 
the way, now - Otherwise, I'd just as soon continue into a brighter New Year! 
 ---In the_p...@yahoogroups.com, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :
 cardozo, so what you are saying is that Barry slings shit at Jim, and Jim 
returns the favor?
 Is that the extent of it?
 that Barry's raison d'etre, by his own admission, is "pushing people's 
buttons", and that some people will decide that what he really is, is sort of 
an ass, and that he runs the risk of getting push back on the 
misrepresentations he puts out there?
 Yea, it gets ugly sometimes.  So, what else is new.
 ---In the_p...@yahoogroups.com, <cardozo2015@...> wrote :
 Well, that sounds fine and good.  But here’s a small sampling of what your 
moderator is continuing to post on FairfieldLife, literally at the same time 
today that he was thanking all of you for joining this forum where ‘the wonder, 
integration and knowledge of life can be shared and appreciated.’ 
 I hold a US Government clearance (Confidential - one step below Top Secret), 
and have also been investigated by the FBI to get same. They didn't have a 
problem with me. Stop your bullshit, stay away from the kiddies, and Shut The 
Fuck Up. :-)
 That sure blew up in your face, didn't it? LOL. What a putz.
 Keep those greasy mitts of yours away from the kids, OK? That is all I am 
asking of you.
 You are such a punk. You have the manners of a two year old, and a mouth that 
could use some soap, and every time someone calls you on it, you have what, a 
youtube video, as rebuttal?? Typical. I'd be surprised if you could create a 
glass of water by yourself.
 You may be able to wrap your head around this or even ignore it, but it sure 
looks like creepy behavior to me. 
 Rather than reminding that a friend is a concert pianist, it’s more like a 
reminder that the pied piper is a creep, who has no qualms about using people 
to create one group where he can act ‘all sweetness and light’ and between 
posts go to another forum where he acts out his creepy side which he apparently 
has no control over.
 Your moderator will likely delete this post before you have a chance to read 
it, which is even creepier as most of it is his own words
 ---In the_p...@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :
 And thank you for your brilliant idea to start a new group. This seems to be a 
place where some old members and new members can agree or disagree but seem to 
be doing so with open minds and civility. Gosh, what a concept. A place where 
differences of opinion don't automatically imply threats to one's personhood or 
disintegrate into personal attack and make believe. Where egos are not so 
obvious and where there appears to be an openness between participants that 
didn't exist on the old site. Like discovering your good friend is a concert 
pianist and all this time you never knew, or thought their pianistic limit was 




 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <emptybill@...> wrote :

 "I can vouch for the fact that 90% of posts are most certainly not about the 

Michael - 

When someone has as much Litemint as Jim's self-declared unity consciousness, 
then automatically everything is seen in terms of "oneself". Consequently, 
Jimbo's sure that it's all about him, whether at the Peak or FFL. Life is so 
simple when it is all about "me". Nothing new here.

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