Incidentally, this show is on the US cable/satellite channel and can be viewed on their website:

On 01/31/2015 08:54 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] wrote:
*/Now that the second season of "Broadchurch" has turned out to be so bad, I went looking for something interesting and British to watch, and stumbled onto "Fortitude." T'would seem that the Brits have grown so fond of Scandinavian Noir TV shows like "The Killing" that they've started creating their own.
*/"Fortitude" is a crime thriller set in an isolated location, like "Broadchurch." But whereas the town of Broadchurch was just in a remote part of Britain, the town of Fortitude is *really* isolated -- above the Arctic Circle in Spitsbergen, Svalbard, an island 500 kilometers north of Norway. It's so small that everyone has a job, and there is a Sheriff but he doesn't really have anything to do because there is no crime. Until now.
*/The cast is excellent. Richard Dormer as the Sheriff, Sofie Gråbøl (from "The Killing") as the Governor of the island, Michael Gambon as a dying wildlife photographer, Christopher Eccleston as a scientist at an Arctic Research Facility, and Stanley Tucci as police inspector brought in from the mainland to supervise the investigation of what appears to be Fortitude's first murder.
*/Just as the peaceful, boring Dorset town of Broadchurch was revealed to be anything but once a murder caused people to start looking below the surface, it's pretty obvious that "the town with no crime" will be similar. The first episode plants enough red herrings and hints at to suggest that pretty much anybody could be the guilty party.
*/Plus there is the scenery -- it's so bleak and white that it is difficult at times to believe that this was series was actually shot on planet Earth. If you're feeling cold and oppressed by Winter where you live, watching this show should help to warm you up by reminding you how good you've actually got it.
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