
 Are they going to use light trains for the tunnels in downtown Seattle?  As I 
remember, they were using regular buses in the tunnels 2004.  But they've 
planned the tunnels to be convertible to light rail trains in case the city 
decided to use that option in the future.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <emily.mae50@...> wrote :

 Seattle has changed a lot in the last 10 years and will continue to.  Planning 
for population is always a challenge.  Should have gone the way of mass transit 
decades ago. Yes, the tourist landmarks will stay.   

 Census: Seattle is the fastest-growing big city in the U.S. 
 Census: Seattle is the fastest-growing big city in the U... 
   We've come a long way from the 'Will the last person leaving Seattle –Turn 
out the lights' era of the 1970s. Last year, Seattle grew faster than any o...

 View on blogs.seattletimes.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

 My first long term time in Seattle was in the summer of 1962 when the World's 
Fair was on and I had a summer job with my brother.  It was really a neat place 
then and easy to get around on even on a bus.  Then 1965 as UW student through 
1969.  Then I came back again in 1972 and lived there through 1982.   Moved to 
Redmond in 1989 and split for California in 1991.  I saw a lot of changes over 
those times but downtown was still pretty accessible in 1991.  It wasn't like 
SF.  In fact I've seen SF change over time and wondered why they didn't go the 
Portland route.
 Most of the change I'm talking about would have happened in the 2000s.  
Downtown is a cluster of very big buildings.  Usually when I visited friends 
during the 00s we never went downtown but in 2007 just after Xmas I had some 
AMC passes so we went downtown to see a movie.  It was a mess!  My friends have 
bought another home on the Oregon coast and are retiring there this summer. 
 On 02/03/2015 10:00 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
   Seattle couldn't have changed that much since I left in 2004.  From what 
I've seen on TV, they still have Pike Place Market.  That's a tourist landmark 
for the city.  IMO, they'd leave it the way it is for tourists and the culture 
there.  I used to eat lunch there, at least, once a week.

 They've gotta have the Pioneer Square, the Downtown Shopping Center, the ferry 
boats, and the Space Needle.  That's Seattle as I remember it.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<noozguru@...> mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 A lot of Seattlelites have dibelief in the place and are moving out.  It isn't 
the city I knew in the 1970s.  My last visit in 2007, the downtown resembled 
something out of Bladerunner.
 On 02/02/2015 12:52 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
   I predicted for a friend in Seattle that the Seahawks would win because the 
city smokes bhong legally.  As such, Shiva would help them win the game.  But, 
as America saw, that was not so.
 And Richard Sherman was heartbroken.
 Disbelief at final offensive play call reigned on Seattle sideline





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