How old are you Barry?  Do you think you are an old soul?  Is this what you're 
existence has come down to?  You might have another 10 - 20 years or so to 
live; it's not too late.  You can turn this shit around, Barry.  

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 I'm not buying this. 


 I think that blaming things on "Wright and his gang" is a way of shifting 
blame away from the real truth, which is that the people doing this kind of 
complaining (mainly Buck and Feste) simply don't have any spiritual experiences 
TO write. They petered out long ago. 


 Unable to admit that, they point fingers and say, "It's all because of him 
that I don't feel comfortable writing about my spiritual experiences," when the 
truth is more likely, "I don't have any spiritual experiences to write about." 

 From: feste37 <>
 Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 1:58 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Orme Johnson Experience
   Wright and his little gang of clever and abusive cynics have pretty much 
killed this group off. The January post count was the lowest for eleven 
years—since February 2004. It is not a pleasant, respectful environment here, 
and any account by anyone of a spiritual experience is likely to meet the same 
contemptuous response by the resident know-it-alls. If Jesus Christ started 
posting here he would be dismissed as a charlatan. 


---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote :

 What cynics you two are! I found his article rather sweet. It's good to see 
someone keeping the faith. 

 We're not ultimately in opposition: some have to explore altered states of 
consciousness while others have to remain grounded, keep their critical 
faculties intact and point out possible objections. From that interplay we 
advance into the future.

 Your cynicism may finally prove justified but at least he has a dream. Sadly, 
most dreamers turn out to be pipe dreamers. I'm hoping he turns out to be on to 




---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 This should really be framed as an example of "What TM does to the mind." 


 After decades of practice, it's caused a Ph.D. to use 1,626 words to describe 
a phenomenon that could easily have been described in two ("placebo effect") or 
at most four ("monkey see, monkey do"). 


 I think his next study should be on the perils of unimportant people having 
been told for decades how important they are. 


 From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 7:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Orme Johnson Experience

 Wow, he actually had an experience! Prolly makes it all worthwhile for him.

 I guess there must be a paper on neurological seratonin correlations with 
subjective experiences on the way?



---In, <> wrote :

 Waves Below is one of my experiences... - David Orme-Johnson | Facebook 
 Waves Below is one of my experiences... - David Orme-Johnson | Facebook Waves Below 
is one of my experiences from the Invincible America Assembly from last 
October. First, some definitions of the terms that may be...

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