On 02/26/2015 10:40 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
*/Can't you *ever* drop the superiority thing?

/*LOL! */
*/If you had been able to read or had cared to pay attention, you'd know that I've had -- and continue to have -- many experiences of enlightenment. It's just that I'm not so conditioned by dogma that I can think of them as *only* experiences of enlightenment. They could just as easily be due to half a dozen other scientifically-verifiable things.

/*But you make it sound like you never have and are jealous of those who have had experiences.*/
*/They were just experiences. /**/I'm not invested in *any* interpretation of *any* of these experiences being "right" or "correct." You are.

/*How is that? I approach all techniques with "here goes nothing." I think you are confusing what I've written about historical use of techniques and how they are interpreted with my experiences. */

*/*OF COURSE* mood-making was involved when you learned TM. You paid money for it; therefore you expected something. You made excuses in your head for it being OK to bring fruit, flowers, and a clean white handkerchief; therefore you expected something as a result of what they'd be used for.
/*No, I "tried" TM. At $75 it wasn't going to break the bank. If I didn't like it I would move on to something else. *//*I had already been playing around with meditation techniques and wanted to try something supposedly "official."*/

*/I am not trying to invalidate your experiences. I'm trying to remind you that there are numerous ways of interpreting your experiences. You seem (historically) to react most vehemently when I remind you of ways to interpret them that characterize you as less important than your preferred way of interpreting them. Just sayin'.../*

/*But I know what a "placebo effect" is and TM is NOT a "placebo effect" nor is any other mantra meditation. Sounds have a definite effect on the nervous system some positive and others negative. Sounds selected for meditation are for positive effect. They are sounds that have withstood the test of time. They are documented as to their effect and TM only uses a tiny fraction of the mantras available. It was really not even designed for "everyone". MMY knew this but didn't probably want to openly say "if it doesn't work for you try something else." Because that's the way it is in India.


*From:* "Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Thursday, February 26, 2015 6:46 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] The secret Woo Woo behind the TM puja -- mood making

I didn't know what to expect when I learned TM so there was *no moodmaking involved.* Just because you have no experiences of enlightenment doesn't mean that everyone else doesn't. Better luck next lifetime. ;-)

On 02/26/2015 09:28 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com <mailto:turquoi...@yahoo.com> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
*From:* "Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net <mailto:noozg...@sbcglobal.net> [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> <mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>

This doesn't explain why some folks got a buzz hearing the puja when initiated.

*/But "mood-making" does. As does "expectation," and "placebo effect." I've always found it curious that people intelligent enough to recognize that science long ago proved that the "experiences" they cling to could *easily* be explained by either of these things cling to the Woo Woo explanation instead. I guess that for them it comes down to it being easier for them to say "Some mystical, magical Woo that I don't fully understand caused my experience" than it is to say, "I imagined it, as I was conditioned to." :-) :-) :-)

I suppose there may be some souls who don't experience a buzz. Maybe they're just "young souls." I've also found the stuff over on TM-Free to be rather naive since it's still couched in the *very narrow* and *sheltered* focus of TM. And some people get a buzz just off of music including maybe even Bruce Cockburn tunes. :-)

On 02/26/2015 03:14 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com <mailto:turquoi...@yahoo.com> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

*/Interesting article over at TM-Free. It'll be interesting to hear from TM teachers who still claim that the "high" they get from the puja is caused by the sound of the words themselves. Clearly, it is caused by mood making. People on certain TTTC courses after 1974 were not only told to "keep the meaning of the offerings lively in their minds" as I was on my 1972 TTC course, they were told *exactly what to think and feel* while chanting it. Fascinating. /*


"_/Puja/ Feeling_," (1974, with 1974 explanatory notes):
  -- Upon saying the line that starts with "Avahanam," and while placing that 
offering(or its symbolic equivalent, raw rice grains) upon the altar, feel the following:
"I feel the upsurge of purifying waves of knowledge."
Explanation:  This offering of the invocation to the great Masters of the 
HolyTradition brings a lively awareness of eternal wisdom.
-- Upon saying the line that starts with "Asanam," and while placing that 
offering(or its symbolic equivalent) upon the altar, feel the following:
"I am realizing the ideal of/  yogastah kuru karmani/."
Explanation: This offering symbolizes the immovable seat of life in Being. In offering this seat we feel stablized in the immovability of Being. Offerings on this firm basis are actions to fulfil cosmic purpose.
-- Upon saying the line that..."Snanam,"...
"I feel the joy of standing in the cosmic waters of pure consciousness."
Explanation:  This offering of an ablution symbolises the refreshing 
omnipresence ofPure Consciousness.
-- Upon saying the line that..."Vastram,"...
"I am secure in the Omnipresence of Being."
Explanation:  This offering of cloth symbolizes the garment of all-pervading 
-- Upon saying..."Chandanam,"...
"I am refreshed by the tranquility of the Transcendent."
Explanation:  This offering of sandalpaste spreads some pleasant cooling 
influence in the atmosphere.
-- Upon..."Akshatan"...
"I feel the wholeness of individual awareness."
Explanation:  This offering of full rice symbolizes the fullness of eternal 
-- Upon..."Pushpam"...
"I feel the blossoming of inner Being."
Explanation:  This offering of a flower symbolizes the full bloom of life.
-- Upon..."Dupam"...
"I feel a pleasant wave of inner and outer purity."
Explanation:  This offering of incense symbolizes the sweet fragrance of purity.
-- Upon..."Dipam"...
"I feel the light of life, Pure Consciousness, illuminating everything."
Explanation:  This offering of light brings the light of wisdom to dispel all 
--Upon..."Achmaniyam,"... (before "Naivedyam")
"I feel the support of the waves of bliss."
Explanation:  This offering of water softens the atmosphere.
-- Upon...."Naivedyam"...
"I feel fulfilled in the plentiful life."
Explanation:  This offering of fruit symbolizes the state of fulfillment.
-- Upon..."Achmaniyam"... (said after "Naivedyam")
"I feel the flow of fulfillment in the omnipresence of Being."
Explanation:  This offering of water brings the flow of life in fulfillment.
-- Upon..."Tambulam"...
"I feel everywhere the cleansing and purifying influence at the source of 
Explanation:  This offering of a betel leaf brings freshness, purifying the 
abode of speech.
-- Upon..."Shri phalam"...
"I feel the fullness of life welling up."
Explanation:  This offering of the complete fruit (coconut) representsthe 
fullness of life, unmanifested and manifest.  The entire field of manifest 
life(gross, subtle and subt
lest) is represented respectively by the husk or outercovering, the kernel or 
meat of the fruit, and the milk or inner essence.  Thetranscendental value of 
life is symbolized by the self-contained unmanifest space within.
-- "Arartikyam."
(Offering a camphor frame)
-- Upon..."Achmaniyam"... (after "Arartikyam")
"I feel the flow of fulfillment in the light of Being."
-- "Pushpanjalim."  (first)
(Offering a handful of flowers)
Explanation:  This offering of a handful of flowers is the offering of the 
fullbloom of life which has arisen from the offering of light.
-- Upon..."Pushpanjalim"...  (second)
"I feel oneness with the Omnipresent."
Explanation:  This offering of a handful of flowers symbolizes the surrender of 
the fully blossomed heart and mind in all the glories of the Relative and the 

  • [FairfieldLife] The secr... TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
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