Yet another? The only way this would be an interesting bit of news is if their 
career had markedly improved after they had learned.  

 And it isn't like like the ones that do meditate are the best in Hollywood, I 
think Clint Eastwood is the most overrated actor/director imaginable. I don't 
know how he gets away with it. I thought his last big movie I saw Billion 
Dollar Baby was a joke, just a string of very tired and manipulative cliches 
masquerading as a relatable drama.

 But it's his other movies that should worry the TMO, if they want to hold him 
up as a good example they should consider the amoral stories he likes to 
involve himself in. In his many movies he's been a rapist who wins women over 
with violence, a self-appointed executioner with no interest in justice but 
worst of all was his Mystic River which he directed.

 Am I alone in thinking the subtext of that movie was deeply sinister? The 
characters in that movie actually pin the blame for a vigilante murder on a 
friend of theirs who'd had a nervous breakdown because he was abused as a 
child, and that is apparently OK because "he's already damaged and his life is 
crap". Talk about shit morals, I was actually shocked when I saw it. Is this 
some sort of frontier justice that Republican Americans relate to but anyone 
with a soul finds abhorent?

 If so, where is Clint's soul after all these years of meditating?

 Go ahead and make my day Clint. Stop making shit movies!



---In, <> wrote :

 yet another brilliant film director is a TMer

 ALEJANDRO GONZALES IÑARTU, Director de... - Meditación Trascendental Perú | 
 ALEJANDRO GONZALES IÑARTU, Director de... - Me... 
ALEJANDRO GONZALES IÑARTU, Director de Cine ganador del Oscar 2015 como mejor 
director por su película también ganadora como la ...

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