You are incorrect: he is a poser. 

It has already been established that Uncle Tantra is currently unable to 
maintain a single yoga posture, including the corpse pose. It's all a matter of 
balance, a quality he has not been able to demonstrate in the last 19 years of 
posting. UT is a True Believer - everything is either black or white - there 
are no shades of grey in his philosophy.

Buddhists can't take refuge in the gods because the gods are not Buddha. That 
is, they are not enlightened. 

All the Hindu gods, for all their power, are not the final truth of things. 
Power does not necessarily entail knowledge, and for Buddhists the gods do not 
have the liberating insight. 

But none of this entails that the gods do not exist or that spirits cannot 
except a powerful influence over our lives. Thus, the Buddhist has no problem 
with the gods like UT seems to have. Go figure.

---In, <emptybill@...> wrote :

 Thank you for demonstrating what a posturer is. The initial statement "Of 
course god exists" is straightforward and covers all instances of the word 
"god". It does not cover the "Supreme Ruler God" idea which is why I used the 
lower case. Apparently you are not intelligent enough to comprehend that 
difference in usage.

Not surprising for a make-it-up Buddhist.


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