From: salyavin808 <>

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

I've gotta agree with you, Michael. It really "feels" like Jim, for several 

First, of course, is the level of obsession he has with me. The only person who 
has *ever* been more obsessed with me than Jim Flanegin was Judy. 

But second, and the clincher, is the fact that these posts are just dripping 
with JEALOUSY. Jimbo really was never able to figure out why people liked me 
and Curtis while they didn't like him. The answer was right in front of his 
face, but his ego kept him from seeing it. Curtis and I are "just ourselves," 
and he has to continually play one-upsmanship games to try to prove his 

Anyway, I suspect he'll try to keep this up for a while, because it's getting 
him what he really wants, which is attention. Feeling magnanimous this week, 
I'll give him one more day of reading his stuff before I route his posts 
directly into the trash bin along with Steve-o and Richard.

Whoever they are they are certainly bitter and twisted and clearly 
dysfunctional enough to be a long term TMer. I'd get 'em in the bin now in case 
any of it rubs off you...
Already done. The way I figure it, these guys' (Steve, Richard, and now Ak_Ak) 
fantasies must revolve around "ruining my day" by revealing deep, dark truths 
about me that I don't want revealed, the way Judy's used to. At least, that's 
the way it seems to play out in their minds. In the real world, back when I 
actually bothered to read their crap, the most their posts ever provoked in me 
was laughter (at them, not because they're comic geniuses or anything) and 
occasional feelings of pity. But that got old real fast and was an obvious 
waste of time, so I figured why bother. So they're all -- including Jim/Ak_Ak 
-- auto-consigned to the dumpster now. 

But this brings up a question. Steve's and Richard's posts have gone straight 
to the crapper (like attracts like) for over a year now, but they still post 
about me compulsively, several times a week, and in Richard's case every day (I 
can tell this from a 10-second scan of Neo, without having to actually read any 
post they write.) Now Ak_Ak will be joining them in that great cosmic 
porta-potty in the sky, and no doubt he will keep compulsively posting about 
me, too. 

The question is, WHY? Who do they think their "audience" is, except each other?

I think we're agreed that they're cultists who are acting out the cult 
mentality here, but I really DO wonder who they perceive the *audience* for 
their cult apologetics and character assassination to be. There is a 
psychological study in this. If anyone could stand to be around these guys long 
enough to study them, that is.  :-)


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