
 Don't embarrass me please, I wish to remain anonymous. Unlike you I am 
*actually* busy and have a life, I have to work, take care of kids, wives, 
ex-wives and girl friends. And of course entertain them :-) :-) :-).

 I don't have amazing talents like you where you conjure up these amazing, 
fantastical tales that has your audience here at FFL in raptures. The 
flamboyant, charismatic Barry Wright, cult slayer, darling of the lurker 
reporters looking for scoops on cults and TM. The stud, fondling hot, young 
baristas in coffe-shops; and in dance clubs and whorehouse around Amsterdam and 
Paris. The wise old spiritual master - Uncle Tantra. Man of many hats, you :-) 
:-) :-)

 All this as you actually are a decrepit old man, narcissistic, dysfunctional. 
Spending your entire day in your apartment, taking care of Maya, dogs, chores 
so you can have free rent and food !!!!! Brilliant talent Barry.


---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 For the record, I don't know who ak_ak_0828 is, either. I just figured that if 
I suggested it was Jim Flanegin, his ego would force him to reply, and thus 
reveal to everyone how compulsively he still reads Fairfield Life after having 
been so vocal about how he's so "above" this forum and the people who post 
here. And lo and behold, in just a couple of hours he did exactly what I 
expected him to do. :-)  :-)  :-)


 It *wasn't* all that scathing a post, after all. To be honest, if it was 
written by anyone we already know, it most likely was Ann, because 1) it's so 
unintelligent, and 2) it's so completely off the mark. I just thought I'd have 
a little fun with it and use it to point how obsessed with both FFL *and* me 
Jim Flanegin still is. Mission accomplished.  :-)  :-)  :-)

 From: "j_alexander_stanley@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 2:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
   What IP addresses? People who show up with the 
email address are anonymous, with email and IP addresses both undisclosed. From 
the header info, there is no way for me, Rick, or anyone else to determine 
anything about ak_ak's true identity. Keep in mind, Sal, that this also applies 
to your own FFL identity as well.

 ---In, <> wrote :
 LOL, those IP addresses sure give the game away!

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