It's getting to be like a circus over here - informants can't even remember 
minutes later what they previously posted. LoL!
 ---In, <LEnglish5@...> wrote :
 And who told you I was banned from the entire website?

---In, <> wrote :


 Where did I say you were? Or do I have to be so completely specific about 

"You're devoting a lot of time to this lost crusade Lawson, have you been 
banned from Reddit again?" - salyavin 8:00 AM 3/30/15


 I'm co-moderator of /r/transcendental afterall.

 By the way, what makes you certain that 'tis a lost crusade?

 The fact that the DLF is negotiating with the United Nations concerning 
training UN workers to be TM teachers?



---In, <> wrote :

 ---In, <LEnglish5@...> wrote :

 As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the Letters 
to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and announced at the 
MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research on TM. 

 Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of the 
kind that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it find that TM 
*does* have a positive effect on BP.

 You're devoting a lot of time to this lost crusade Lawson, have you been 
banned from Reddit again?



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