Deepak Chopra can't be considered a fringe thinker because he is espousing the 
same ideas as Advaita Vedanta, which is main-stream idealist philosophy. This 
may be a new notion for some people, who have not read their history, but 
Chopra's position, like all transcendentalists, is that consciousness is the 
ultimate reality; without conscious you wouldn't even exist. 

As a non-dualist, he thinks that everything is mind-made or mentally 
constructed. Again, this is an ancient philosophical outlook, based probably on 
the Buddhist Yogacara and Vijnanavada (Consciousness Only School). It's not 
complicated, but you got it all backwards - it's the pure consciousness that 
creates the mundane matter, not the other way around. 

I. Kant, the transcendental idealist, got the same idea without even reading 
the works of Shankaracharya (8th century AD), but for some reason you seem to 
refuse to get educated - you don't even seem to be well-grounded in Western 
philosophy. Go figure. 

---In, <> wrote :

 I’ve never done anything to Deepak Chopra. 

 Non sequitur. You've probably never even met Deepak Chopra in person. LoL!

 At least, not in this lifetime. 
 There's just no way that billionaire Deepak Chopra, M.D., can compare to all 
your knowledge about the spiritual life and all the sciences and your fortune 
in savings. LoL!

 Perhaps I’ve mocked his surrealistically bizarre anti-science pronouncements 
among my friends a few times, or a few thousand times. 
 Non sequitur. 

 How could I not when he tweeted that his personal meditation caused an 
earthquake or claimed 
that the moon doesn’t exist unless someone sees 

 Non sequitur. 

 Chopra is so on the fringe, it’s actually fun to read him usually—picture me 
with tears in my eyes, emitting cackles like Mozart’s braying laugh in Amadeus. 

 Non sequitur. 

 But when he goes after evolution, it starts to feel personal—and less amusing. 

 Non sequitur. 

 Chopra believes there is some “consciousness” that flows through the 
universe—an energy field created by all living things, surrounding us and 
penetrating us, binding the galaxy together…no, wait, that’s the Force I’m 
thinking of. Chopra’s notion of consciousness has more in common with that of 
the charlatan book The Secret, which says if you just think really hard you can 
change reality.
 Non sequitur. 

 (A lot of children engage in this magical thinking, but as they mature they 
outgrow it—apparently with some exceptions.)
 Non sequitur. 

 So perhaps this universal consciousness helped Chopra sense my negative 
energy. At a recent conference in New Delhi he reportedly said:
 Non sequitur. 


 Charles Darwin was wrong
 Consciousness is key to evolution and we will soon prove that.
 Why does he have to hurt my brain like this—what have I ever done to him? 
Darwin “wrong”? Consciousness directing evolution? Evolution being affected by 
the thinking of beings that haven’t yet evolved, in some sort of 
tachyon-induced time warp? His words quantum-entangle my mind in a synergistic 
charlie foxtrot of howling madness. 
 There's more:
 Why Does Deepak Chopra Hate Me? | NCSE
 Why Does Deepak Chopra Hate Me? | NCSE I’ve never 
done anything to Deepak Chopra. At least, not in this lifetime.

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