Ahh, Sal, how I love to read your posts! And yet the TMO hucksters still plead 
poverty and claim they are non-profit!!!

      From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 12:35 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Money for Nothing....
A brief post about the TMO's shameless money raising techniques appeared on 
TM-Free this afternoon.
The most interesting bit for me is this:
"...a TMO email from December 18, 2013 states that: 
         '...the National Yagya program is now averaging [i.e., receiving 
donations of - ed. note]  
         $429,000 USD per month....The whole world is enjoying the blessings of 
the daily 
That's $5,148,000 a year income for the 'National Yagya program' alone...."

I've always wondered how much they get from selling obviously ineffectual 
prayers, and here it is but this is just the national yagya programme. And 
doesn't every country have one of those?
I know a great many people who have given large amounts of cash to the yagya 
office, recently Skelmersdale raised 10's of thousands for yagyas to find them 
a vastu site and it didn't work! And then they decided they didn't want to move 
I never gave a penny to what is an obvious scam but is it a malicious one? I 
used to think it's all folie a deux  - a shared delusion. And then I saw John 
Hagelin's latest yagya rip-off video and realised that anyone with any sort of 
clue about subatomic physics will know that chanting at quarks and electrons 
isn't going to change how they work. Not even a little bit. So we know that - 
at least at the top level - it's a malicious attempt to get devotees to part 
with hard-earned cash. What sort of organisation would do that?
Anyway, part with it they do it seems. $5,000,000 is big money, you could buy a 
lot of crowns or peace palaces with that. Heck, you could probably pay Girish's 
legal fees. 
I'd love to know the full amount raised world-wide. In the UK people buy each 
other yagya for birthdays. If someone is ill they get a yagya. If they move 
house - yagya. Looking for work - yagya. An astonishing amount of money must be 
flowing in to an organisation that is supposedly based on scientific 
principles. I haven't heard David Lynch talk about this, he probably knows it's 
embarrassing and keeps quiet to avoid bad publicity. I certainly would but it 
undermines so much that I just couldn't. Give this criminal enterprise a 
thorough public airing and the whole house of cards will come down.

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