Horse shit. And what did it win? Best Sound Editing.  Big deal. People don't 
like the movie because it is poorly made on a lot of levels. You just going 
with the cult mentality knee jerk mind set that any American soldier serving in 
Iraq is automatically a hero. Why don't you address the rape and sexual assault 
issue I mentioned? You think that because someone serves well on the 
battlefield he is entitled to rape anyone of his fellow soldiers he likes?
Or how about stick with the reality that Kyle said he loved war and his sniping 
job and that it was fun, but in the movie is portrayed has having remorse and 
so forth which he did not in reality. Eastwood is way past his prime and will 
do us all a great favor if this is his last film.

      From: "Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: "" <> 
 Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 4:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Eastwood Rise from the Sepulchre
    Six Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture, Best Leading Actor, 
Best Adapted Screenplay. Six Academy nominations are sufficient accolades for a 
first class film. US man in uniform good, brown people bad, proves my point 
about liberal mindset and why they hate the movie. The icing on the cake was 
that the *brown* people were Islamic terrorists. Now, to be true to script 
Michael, you're supposed to come back and say they weren't *terrorists*, they 
were *freedom* fighters and we were killing them to take their oil.

     From: "Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: "" <> 
 Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 2:00 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Eastwood Rise from the Sepulchre
    Sure because of the cult "US man in uniform good, brown people bad" 

The box office numbers of films like Age of Ultron prove that a garbage movie 
can make lots of money. Titanic is another good example.


     From: "Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: "" <> 
 Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 2:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Eastwood Rise from the Sepulchre
    90.2 million dollars opening weekend. I guess somebody liked it.

     From: "Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: "" <> 
 Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 1:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Eastwood Rise from the Sepulchre
    Couldn't disagree more. All the politics and war this and that aside, just 
considering the movie as a movie, the film is very poorly made. 

The first 30 minutes or so of back story is trite, formulaic and boringly 
predictable. From the point at which the protagonist, Chris Kyle is shown 
beginning his Iraq tour the movie devolves into a repetitive cycle of fight, 
kill, go home, fight with wife, go back to Iraq, fight, kill, go home, fight 
with wife, and so on. 
The first time I saw the two evil doers, the antagonists of the film, I knew 
they and the situations the filmmakers were showing were made up bullshit. 
Subsequent research into the differences between Kyle's book and the film 
confirmed that.
Far from the film being great and it not being PC to say so, the film makes a 
joke out of the Iraq war and turns the soldiers into caricatures of the real 
men and women who served and serve there. 

The reason the film is so popular is the kind of cult mentality we have often 
discussed here on FFL, where a point of view is so obsessively adhered to one 
cannot think or perceive reality clearly. In this case the point of view is 
that all US soldiers are good and whatever they do makes them heroes, and that 
the Iraqis are all evil (which is pretty much what Kyle himself believed - read 
his book and you'll see.)

This is absurd. I have known more than a few men and women who have served in 
both the 1st Gulf war and the current conflict. What people who think this film 
is fine fail to recognize is that a soldier can do their job in combat, even 
become heroic at times and still be an ass or even a criminal in their day to 
day life.
How do you think so many thousands of sexual assaults occur in the military, 
especially in war zones every year? Combat soldier by day, rapist by night. It 
happens all too frequently. About 20,000 cases a year are actually reported and 
one estimate showed that only one in five assaults get reported. Put that 
together and you have about 100,000 cases of sexual assault occurring in the 
military every year! And this is being done by heroes???
I knew of one instance here in SC - the man, Army officer literally died a 
hero, jumping on the grenade to save his buddies scenario and man was he ever 
praised and lionized all over the place with the Governor herself, and many 
state dignitaries praising this guy to high heaven in any number of memorial 

I have known his widow since she was born, and I know that her husband before 
his death had been cheating on her. She found out and asked him to stop and 
start being a husband and a father to their 3 year old and 5 year old. He 
refused and she began divorce proceedings. Part of her angst was over the fact 
that while in Iraq, he was sending money that should have gone to her and their 
kids to pay the mortgage to his girlfriend here so she could buy a new truck.
After he was killed his wife discovered that after his last leave when she told 
him to shape up or she would divorce him, not only did he stop sending her any 
money at all, he took her name off his life insurance policy and put his 
mother's name on it. She was a real honey too. The mother came up to the widow 
at the freaking memorial service and told her to her face in front of others 
that she (the mother) would see to it that she (the wife) would not collect a 
penny in his military benefits. Hero on the battlefield, ass in real life.
Many of the scenes in the movie were made up, fictional including the butcher 
character and mustafa, the scene where Kyle's brother was complaining on the 
tarmac and especially the scenes where Kyle was shown getting tired and 
uncomfortable with what he was doing. That was complete bullshit. Read his 
book. He states without question that he loved killing and loved the war. He 
not only loved it, he said it was fun more than once in the book. Anyone who 
thinks that war and killing is fun is mentally unbalanced.
The fact that he himself was killed by another Iraq war vet is one of the most 
telling things about his life and the movie barely mentions. As one reviewer 
put it, they made a movie about a killing machine with a heart of gold. 

Which is bs too. If you read anything about the real Kyle it is obvious that he 
was a self centered braggart and liar. The Jesse Ventura incident - bs. The 
story of himself and two other SEALS killing 30 looters in New Orleans from 
atop the Superdome - bs. And his tale of killing two carjackers and the cops 
turning him loose when they realized who he was - total bs. 

If he had to fabricate such stories to make himself look good, how accurate can 
his war record be? And before you go to squalling about it, the kill record of 
the snipers rely a good deal on the testimony of the snipers themselves. And 
none of the records are considered official by the army. its just a bragging 
rights thing. 

If you read the book, you will find some of the most telling aspects of Kyle's 
mentality revolve around him competing with other US snipers to see who would 
rack up the highest body count. When one of his "competitors" gets close to 
surpassing his record, he talks about how so many more insurgents suddenly 
began to appear in front of his scope, heavily implying that he went out and 
killed whoever he had to to keep up his record.
The truth is generally much more sordid than the Clint Eastwoods of the world 
make it seem in their films and I guess all his years of TM have finally caught 
up with him, cause his latest film is pitiful on all levels. 


   From: "Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: "" <> 
 Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 1:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Eastwood Rise from the Sepulchre
    Yeah, I watched it last night... again. It's a great film but it  isn't 
chic(sheik) or PC to admit it. Actually, it's fashionable among libs to 
ridicule it. Got to get that Muslim vote! Of course American Muslims hate it 
because they say it's anti-Muslim. Anti-Muslim because it shows the greatest 
American sniper killing Terrorists( who happen to be Muslims) in order to 
prevent the deaths of Marines taking Fallujah and Sadr City in order to 
stabilize Iraq. I guess they wanted him to talk the terrorists out of their 
attacks. Hmmm... all that effort and all those lives and limbs for nothing. 
American Sniper got good reviews in Baghdad with cheers for each kill from many 
in the audience. However, it had to be closed down the first week due to 
terroristic threats.

     From: "Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife <> 
 Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 11:11 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Eastwood Rise from the Sepulchre
    Anyone see Dinosaur TM'er Clint's latest film?
I watched American Sniper last night and was duly unimpressed. The worst film 
Eastwood has ever made and that includes such bombs as Bronco Billy





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  • Re: [FairfieldLife] E... Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
    • Re: [FairfieldLi... Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
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        • Re: [Fai... Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
        • Re: [Fai... Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
        • Re: [Fai... Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
        • Re: [Fai... Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
        • Re: [Fai... Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
        • Re: [Fai... Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
      • Re: [Fairfie... Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
        • Re: [Fai... Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
        • Re: [Fai... Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
        • Re: [Fai... Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
        • Re: [Fai... Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
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        • Re: [Fai... Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
        • Re: [Fai... Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
        • Re: [Fai... Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
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