Well, I am gonna try Sense8 - next week, today is a busy one for me.

      From: "TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> 
 Sent: Sunday, June 7, 2015 6:13 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Transpiritual Experiences
    I have the luxury of having a whole weekend off with no work I have to do, 
so I admit to having binge-watched this series ("Sense8") a bit. I did this 
even though as Michael said the Wachowskis have only made one good move, a few 
mediocre movies, and a few really, really awful movies. And I must say that my 
hopefulness and willingness to give them a break have paid off -- I'm now on 
episode 6 of "Sense8" and I've quite enjoyed the ride so far. 

Part of it, as you suggest, is the "group mind" thing. I find that this concept 
is handled pretty well in the series, especially at the beginning when these 8 
people from all over the world who suddenly find themselves mind-linked are 
spending most of their time saying "WTF???!" and wondering what is going on. I 
find the "travelogue" nature of the show -- literally bouncing from Chicago to 
London to Nairobi to Seoul to Mexico City to Mumbai to San Francisco to Berlin 
-- fascinating, and enjoy the way the various directors have presented the 
visuals of these different places. That's another thing -- there really are 
"various directors," and not just the Wachowskis. Tom Tykwer ("Run Lola Run," 
"Perfume: Story of a Murderer") directed the most recent episode I watched. 

As for the mystery of how I find the movies and TV shows I recommend, I have to 
shrug my shoulders like Johnny Depp and say, "Pirate!" Really. You have to 
remember that I don't have to actually pay for *any* of these things I watch. I 
*do* still buy DVD sets for great films or series I enjoy if I want to see the 
"extras" or the "making of" specials, and I still go out to the cinema if it's 
a film that I feel really has to be seen up on the big screen (like the recent 
"Mad Max: Fury Road"), but mainly I get my "leads" just from my own intuition 
and a lifetime of experience as a fan of the cinema. I'll just scan down a list 
of the new movies and TV shows available on my torrent feed, and when I 
encounter one I don't know, I just look it up quickly on IMDB and if it sounds 
interesting either because of the cast or the director of whatever, I'll just 
download it and give it a shot. I live in a pirate-friendly country, and so 
literally have nothing to lose but a little time if I make a bad intuitive 
choice. But most of the time my guesses are pretty good. 

What I *don't* do is read other people's reviews, either of TV or movies. I 
*write* such reviews under a number of different names for a number of 
different publications, and so to keep from being influenced by other critics' 
words, I don't read them. The only time I ever really read someone's review of 
a movie or TV show is *after* I have seen it. 
All of this said, I'm finding "Sense8" quite enjoyable and to be a somewhat 
quality production, whereas I found the recent "Aquarius" to be mediocre in the 
extreme -- I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless they're feeling nostalgic 
for the "look and feel" of California in 1967. The only movie that's really 
knocked my socks off lately was "Ex Machina" and the only three series that are 
currently being broadcast (that is, not currently on hiatus) that I really 
*love* are "Game Of Thrones," "Orphan Black," and "Hannibal." If I'm feeling in 
a Gothic mood, I watch "Penny Dreadful" and the new "Jonathan Strange & Mr 
I will *sorely* miss "Justified," which ended recently, and my favorites among 
the shows that recently finished for the season were "Outlander" and "Dig" and 
"The Knick" and "The Blacklist" and "12 Monkeys." 
The *single* best TV episodes I've seen in recent months were the "Hardhome" 
episode (S05E08) of "Game Of Thrones" and the "Antipasto" episode (S03E01) of 
"Hannibal." Both pretty much constitute "state of the art" when it comes to 
television writing, casting, acting, production, and directing.
BTW, thanks for talking about something you enjoy, and allowing me to do the 
same. This is the point that Salyavin was trying to make about the "Oh I'm 
being abused by trolls" whiners. They never really *contribute* anything to 
FFL. One gets the very real feeling that they don't actually have anything in 
their lives that they DO enjoy, because if they do, they *never* mention it on 
Fairfield. Life.   


     From: "s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, June 7, 2015 1:05 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Transpiritual Experiences
    Thanks for the recommendation. I've always (since I was a teen) had a soft 
spot for worldviews that suggest there is in reality only One Self which 
appears to "us" as many separate selves. So the basic plot device in which the 
division between individuals starts to break down could be a parable hinting at 
the same philosophy.
One of the advantages of visiting FFL is that you do get to hear of offbeat 
movies that for sure I would never have encountered elsewhere. (As we know, 
Barry is the prime source. God knows where he learns of those obscure titles he 
writes about.)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

I watched the first episode of "Sense8" by the creators of "The Matrix" 
and "Babylon 5" on Netflix last night. Probably not for everyone here 
but it's about 8 people from different places in the world who keep 
experiencing each others lives. Daryl Hannah really gets around in this 
one. There's a lot of beautiful cinematography too including scenes 
shot in San Francisco. All episodes are currently available if you want 
to binge watch. Bet someone is now.  

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  • [FairfieldLife] Re: T... s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
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