That's neat, Bill. 

 I guess, in a nutshell you are saying, "Jim, we don't care for your input 
here, and since you started another group you shouldn't be allowed to come 

 But, things change, situations change, circumstances change.

 There are misrepresentations made that irk people, and (speaking for myself) I 
feel the need to speak up, especially since the proponent of many of these 
misrepresentations, fashions himself as some kind of spiritual or anti cult 
warrior with a stated mission of uncovering flaws in other people's beliefs 

 And really, on the surface, who could object to that.

 But as they say, the devil is in the details, and when said person, goes about 
his self appointed task in a way that appears dishonest, then others may raise 
an objection to it, and attempt to point out a more accurate or balanced 

 And, of course, when they do so, they are promptly accused of being "trolls", 
and "cult apologists", and "true believers.".

 This doesn't even take into account the general lack of civility one would 
expect in an true exchange of ideas.

 Perhaps the next chapter of FFL will soon be upon us with an actual moderator.

 I'd be down with that, but I'd imagine most of those in the anti TM camp would 
find any moderator oversight objectionable.

---In, <emptybill@...> wrote :

 From the very beginning of this pseudo-issue, your FFL reaction appeared to 
many of us to be a calculated faux outrage. Most of us waited to see the 
clarifying remarks that might certify you as the single most offended person 
possible on FFL. Toward this end we let you run with this storyline long enough 
to clearly demonstrate your need to be "the righteous moralist". It was a 
standard narrative - attempting to shame everyone for the high crime of reading 
the specified diabolical post without the appropriate apoplectic reaction. 
 After a while you left FFL and took your ball to another venue. Your issue 
should have remained with you there – or else simply passed on to the neutral 
ethers as you indulged your new fantasies.
 Now you are back - acting as if no time or other considerations have passed. 


 They have. 


 You are only here because this place is so lightly moderated that no one has 
insisted that you no longer belong here – specifically in accord with your 
proudly professed self-exile.  After all this is your chose revulsion zone – a 
carry-over invective of your selected obsession.
 Please go back to the Peek where you can reign supreme. Bereft of challenge 
and opposition of view, you can call yourself “The Enlightened”, “Mr. Unity 
Consciousness To You”, “Paradigm of Maharishi’s Awakened Satya Yuga”.   
 We promise we won’t come over and Peek behind the curtain.


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