---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, June 7, 2015 4:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Peep Show
 While I consider Richard a troll, I do not consider Barry, you or Jim a troll.

 Barry is the very definition of a troll. "Pushing buttons" is just a euphemism 
for trolling. Don't pretend you weren't aware of that.

 Meanwhile, HAVING one's buttons so easily pushed that one can be made angry 
and obsessive just because of what someone writes to an obscure Internet forum 
is pretty much the definition of un-enlightenment and being a slave to one's 
emotions and attachments.

 You are the LAST person who ought to be criticizing anybody for being a slave 
to their emotions and attachments. Nobody here demonstrates uncontrolled anger 
and attachment to the extent you do. Look at your gratuitous abuse of Bhairitu 
today. Look at the incredible compendium of abuse of himself that Jim compiled. 
I could make a similar one of your abuse of me (probably even longer). Look at 
your and aryavazhi's "epitaph" for me when I was here a few weeks ago; it was 
about four times as long as all my posts for that visit combined.


 That's ATTACHMENT, bro, driven by RAGE. It's what generates and permeates your 
many, many abusive posts.

 What the people whining about "trolls" don't seem to realize is that THEY are 
characterizing themselves as "troll bait" and sorta saying, "Here I am, so weak 
and intellectually rigid that you can make me purple-faced angry and obsessive 
just by writing something negative about a belief I hold or a false guru that I 


 Somehow I doubt anybody sorta talks about "a false guru that I worship." 
Sloppy, Barry, sloppy.

 More importantly, it's not nearly so much he criticism of beliefs or gurus 
that upsets people; it's the ABUSE, the vicious personal attacks, the malicious 
falsehoods. You yourself made that point not long ago.

 Given that scenario, and all of the classic definitions in spiritual 
literature of enlightenment vs. ignorance, t'would seem that "trolls" are far 
more highly evolved than those whose attachments they reveal.

 Yeah, but we aren't "given" the scenario you describe. It's one of your many 
fantasies. And it's probably not too smart to try to apply "classic 
definitions" to modern people engaging in electronic conversation when all you 
know about them is what they write in their posts.


 Yes people left over what I would consider a stupid point.

 It was the straw the camel stepped on and broke. They'd had more than enough 
crap thrown at them by Barry and others. They left because a more appealing 
alternative presented itself at the critical moment.

 It was the point at which one particularly stupid piece of troll-bait thought, 
"Aha! NOW I've got him. Maybe *this* is the thing I've been hoping and dreaming 
for all these years, and I can make a big enough stink over Barry using this 
analogy that I can extort Rick into throwing him off the forum."

 "Dreaming for"?? Your writing is getting sloppier and sloppier. 

 But it didn't work, and in fact backfired so badly that HE had to run away and 
leave the forum. Personally, I think the karma demonstrated by the whole 
scenario was pretty delicious.  :-)

 I sure can't blame him for trying. That was an inexcusable post.

 It didn't "backfire," though, to the contrary; and he didn't "run away"--he 
hasn't left the forum, much to your discomfort. Plus which, he was inspired to 
create his own forum, which has left you gnashing your teeth with rage and 
jealousy. You've never had to deal with real consequences for your behavior 
here before, and you're doing it really, really badly.

 Remember this group deals with transcendental meditation

 Oh, it does? Duh. I'd forgotten.

 The thing is, Xeno, she's telling the truth. This forum became a place for her 
to obsess about "getting Barry and anyone who dares to support him" years ago. 
She doesn't give a shit about TM any more -- the *only* thing that brings her 
scurrying roach-like out of the woodwork is another opportunity to try to turn 
people against Barry and "get" him. 


 In fact, when I posted for the first time in months several weeks ago, it was 
to rebut aryavazhi's string of malicious falsehoods about me. I didn't say 
anything to you or about you until you decided to take his side and go after me.


 But, you know, Barry, believe it or not, people make up their own minds. 
You've treated so many people so badly that you yourself are the one who really 
turns folks against you.

 and those practising this technique are supposed to develop certain qualities 
such as integration, harmony, discrimination, purposefulness, precision, order, 
intelligence, infallibility, and other progressive characteristics, so it seems 
purposeful to test those qualities in people in the group to see if those 
qualities are really present.

 Bullshit. Testing folks' development of consciousness is not the purpose of 
FFL nor the prerogative of any of its members.

 Bullshit. The very reason there are so many charlatans in the world of 
spiritual practice is that so few people DO put their claims to the test. The 
very *idea* that someone as reactive and as chronically angry as Jim Flanegin 
could be enlightened is ludicrous. All I did was point it out, and (and this is 
the part that pisses him off so much) so clearly and so effectively that NO ONE 
actually believes his claims. 


 I wouldn't be so sure. How the hell would you know? In any case, you are 
hardly the poster boy for determining who is and who isn't enlightened. Nobody 
on FFL is in a position to make that determination about someone else. But most 
of us don't get all wrought up and tied in knots about claims of enlightenment 
the way you do. For some reason such a claim makes you positively deranged; you 
can't shut up about it. One might even suspect that what drives you so batty is 

 About half the people here no longer practise it or practise something else. 


 So, according to the advertisements, those not practising TM any more perhaps 
should show less of those qualities. This does not seem to be the case however. 
The main thing missing is invincibility. Those who leave lack invincibility, 
they have not developed a way to stand their ground.

 Also bullshit. There's more than one way to stand your ground, including 
getting out of the way of the missiles designed to smash you flat.

 Isn't it fascinating how the people who have declared themselves to be "troll 
bait" and the *victims* of these horrible "trolls" they're complaining about 
come up with the most violent metaphors for what's being done to them. The 
reality is that they clicked on a message on an electronic forum and were so 
weak and wimpy and attached that they got all angry and hot and bothered about 
a *bunch of words*. Unable to admit this, in their minds this becomes "being 
crushed by missiles designed to smash you flat."   :-)


 Ooooopsie! Look again. I said "getting out of the way of the missiles..." 
That's why you've been so freaked out lately, most of your usual targets have 
taken themselves out of range. You've had to resort to beating up on poor 
Bhairitu, or you'd burst.

 Most people tend to use some "violent" metaphors when they're talking about 
purely verbal conflict. We don't have a lot of vocabulary for it otherwise. And 
heaven knows verbal conflict can be very violent on its own terms.

 You stood your ground, Barry stood his ground. A lot of the others folded in 
this environment. It is not as if the weapons here are guns and knives against 
which invincibility tends not to be very effective. There are really sharp 
disagreements as to what is and is not real in spirituality. I think it all 
comes down to criteria for what is considered evidence as to what is real, 
there are fundamental disagreements about that.


 No. It all comes down to people treating others with respect no matter the 
nature or sharpness of their disagreements. Even Barry acknowledged this at one 
point recently. The "disagreements" story about why FFL went bad is a red 

 And Barry does not stand his ground. He states his case, such as it may be, 
then runs away from any criticism, only to come at the critic from left field 
with a load of insults and maliciously false stories.

 THIS is the real story of why Judy and Jimbo and Richard and Steve and Ann are 
so obsessed with me -- I won't argue with them. What *they* are after is to try 
to suck me and others who disagree with them into endless arguments so that 
they can (supposedly -- Ha!) demonstrate how brilliant they are. Me, I just 
state my beliefs and then ignore their silly asses AS IF THEY DIDN'T EVEN EXIST.


 Actually you don't ignore us. As I pointed out, after somebody has demolished 
one of your poorly thought-out posts, you come back at the critic from left 
field with a huge load of abuse. That's *in lieu of* defending your 
perspective, because you simply don't have the chops, and you're too much of a 
coward to even try.

 They can never forgive this...none of them. It's really *not* that they're so 
upset and angry and attached that I make better arguments to support my beliefs 
than they can, it's that I care so little about them that I don't even bother 
to READ their arguments.

 See above. Of course you read them. That's why you come back with all the 

 You were the lynch pin of the the group you refer to as the 'general 
perspective' which was typically more tolerant of religious ideas and woo, even 
though you were actually more critical of many of these ideas than the people 
who tended to gather around you. When you left, they lost their spokesperson, 
they were not as aggressive as you and generally less capable of fashioning an 
argument for response. They rode your coattails, but that is not something you 
can do if you want to be invincible and want to stand up for a point.

 I should think you could come up with your own story rather than recycling 
this feeble tale of Barry's. Like most of the others he tells, this one does 
not conform to reality. It was designed to insult and intimidate TM supporters. 
They spoke out in their own way with their own thoughts just as strongly as I 
did, sometimes more strongly.

 Still in denial, still lying,

 Oooooopsie. Denial of what, lying about what?

  and still *just* as attached and *just* as obsessed with Barry and trying to 
"get" him as ever. 11 months "away" from Fairfield Life and she's still the 
same obsessed crazy old bitch she always was. She should probably have saved 
herself the trouble of running away with her tail between her legs. I mean, all 
that running -- performed by a 75-year-old woman -- might have given her a 
heart attack...   :-)

 Um, that's 73, not 75, only four years older than you, Barrykins. And I didn't 
"run away," I stopped posting. There wasn't anything to "run away" *from*.

 BTW, your creativity level has fallen severely lately. You've begun using the 
same cliches over and over, and I don't think you even realize it.

 HERE'S THE BOTTOM LINE, for bystanders who have been hoping desperately for 
one as they watch this "Get Barry" routine being played out yet again, and just 
wishing it would end and the stalkers would grow up and get a fuckin' life 
already. I'll even put it in a nice bold red font so you don't miss it. 


 When these loons use the word "moderation" for what they hope to achieve on 
Fairfield Life, it's a euphemism to disguise what their real goal is. What they 
are *really* saying is, "We want someone -- anyone -- to do what we couldn't do 
and make Barry leave." 


 And here's my bottom line: What I mean by "moderation" is that I want you made 
to BEHAVE, not to leave.


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